
Why is obama making a big deal out of how many houses MCcain has?

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he has the money he can do whatever he wants with it and that goes for obama. Obama can go on a trip in his private jet to Hawaii then McCain can have seven houses. Why do people have to be ashamed on how much they make isn't that the American dream.




  1. Because he has lost points in the polls this week.  He is pulling out all the stops.  Ain't it Great!!!!!!!

    McCain )8

  2. Because he has nothing better to argue about.  He policies do not add up to McCain's experience.

    Merely groping for straws.

  3. Wrong again.

    He's making a big deal out of McCain not having a clue how many houses he has.

    Because McCain likes to call Obama an elitist.

  4. It's an old democrat tactic. Hit below the belt and be sure to claim the opponent did it first. Nothing new, no change only the same old same old same old democrat party. Tax the rich to make more poor people and spend like mad to undo the damage caused by taxation.

  5. You know perfectly well it isn't about houses - it's about a stupid old man who's so filthy rich he doesn't even know what he owns.  Pretty out of touch with 99.4% of us.

    One wonders how much of what McCain owns is the stolen money from the S&L Scandal of years ago when he was part of the Keating 5??

  6. I would not be at least concerned if John owned  50 houses and Cindy another 200 of them--if they came by them in honest ways----Obama should remember people who live in (rezko) glass houses should not throw bricks.

  7. He isn't. The media is. Obama only mentioned it one time and it was VERY relevant. Think about it.

  8. Beats me. How many did RESCO have when Obama was there slum lord lawyer?

  9. He's jealous because he only has four.

  10. I really find this quite interesting. Obama can make such a big deal about this and it's perfectly fine, but the second the media asks him about something in his life that could damage his campaign (like his cousin being a radical Muslim extremist in Kenya, or his radical voting record on things like opposing protection to live babies who survive abortions) he calls it a "shameful media distraction" or the "same old Republican politics that everybody's sick of." To use a cliche, isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black. *That was not meant to be racist so there's no need for any Obama supporters to jump down my throat.*

    ash- McCain may forget how many houses he has and he may not know what an "internet" is, but at least he knows how many states he wants to be the President of. What's worse in a President: being 72 and forgetting how many houses that you have, and not being up to date on all of the latest technology; OR thinking there are 57 United States? Who's out of touch.

  11. I would call it 'soft' mud slinging. But it will get hard and soon! Remember how they stayed after Clinton with White Water Gate? If they showed he lost money on the deal, they slammed him for it. If he MADE money they slammed him for that too!

  12. because obama knows how uneducated his supporters are

    Mccain wouldnt know how many he owns since most are owned by cindys family buisness

    on the other hand at least they were all bought legaly unlike obama who scammed the American people with rezko to buy a 1.6 million dollar house on a 123,000 a year income.

    and by the way in the news today was how obama's brother lives on a dollar a day and in a shack. you would think obama could could help him but no he wants america to help his brother with 853 billion a year

  13. I think it's the American people making "a big deal" out of it. After all, we've all been talking about McCain's nine homes since the truth came to light.

  14. becasue he is an idiot, obama also thinks that there is 57 states.

    He is unqualified to lead this country,

    Vote McCain.

  15. It's an important issue showing how McBush is living in a fantasy land thinking everyone in America financially sufficient, doing well, and that he is out of touch with the American public

  16. One millionaire jealous of another I guess.

  17. Just trying to make Senator McCain look bad..What a question to ask in a presidential election. And too , there may be some jealousy, McCain  being a older man married to Cindy,A heiress who has the money.And they have been together 31 years, Mr McCain  was a Military child. who probably lived modestly, growing up. Now take a look at Obama, He had to have a crook to help him get his mansion ,and he stuck with Michelle. a very bitter women, Where Cindy is rich, beautiful and happy. Quiet a contrast there. that's why I say he may have been jealous, jealously will make you act like an idiot. But guess ,only he knows.  

  18. First - Mc Cain didn't make the money he married it.

    Second - the issue here, in case you did not get it, is that you have a presidential candidate, someone who has to be sharp as a tack and on top of things, who can't remember how many houses he owns; can't remember to pay his property taxes (on a condo in California, back in April or so); can't remember the difference between Sunni and Shia although he claims expertise on Iraq as his strong suit; just now learning to use email and the internets; and on and on.  The man is just not all there, apparently.  The big deal is not how many houses, it is that he can't remember how many houses!

  19. How many shacks do Obama`s relatives in Kenya own?

    His brother George lives on $12 a year and Obama hasn`t even sent him a $20 bill. Let alone rescue him from Kenya`s worst slums and bring him here. The kid is embarrassed to even let people know he is Obama`s brother. Remember Matthew 25 Obamas favorite bible passage about helping the least of us, I guess that doesn`t count for brothers.

    Why are we even talking about a bunch of houses his wife inherited from her father. He didn`t buy them.

  20. he knew how many houses he has that was a stupid question to ask anyway who cares how many  he must be pretty smart

  21. Because he has nothing else, no substance, no credible influences, and most of all nothing other than color to run a campaign on.  

    And Rage he is an elitist or does "bitter clingers" mean Bill Gates?

    get a clue. Or do you enjoy giving half of your earnings to the government?  

  22. It sounds good to the ignorant people he hopes will vote for him.

  23. because he wants us to forget that he thinks we have 57 states.

  24. Because he is not in touch with the american people. How could he  not know how many houses he owns.  

  25. You mean why is it an issue McCain does not KNOW how many houses he has?  Can it be that McCain is out of touch, inordinately rich and clueless?

    I guess he still has the common touch?   But would he be a decent president?   Doubtful.  And besides he married into wealth to a beer heiress who steals drugs from her own non profit group.

  26. The Communists also thought that wealth was bad.


  27. Yea I don't get why it is such a big deal,I cant tell you how many shirts I have hanging in the closet, even though I just hung them up.And I heard about him saying something about her private jet ( i could be wrong) but Bidon was arriving in his private jet also! And who doesnt know that there is only 50 states not 58?

  28. Jealousy am I right here ppl? Remember what our lord and savior Jesus Christ said: "Blah blah blah, god camel needle prick."

    Please go to the fridge and get me some beer. I'm thirsty from all this salty talk.

  29. Excellent point.  

    My biggest disappointment with McCain's answer was that it should have been "What $@$# business is it of yours, and difference does it make?"  The question is entirely irrelevant to being President of the United States.

  30. Somebody please tell him...I am tired of trying to explain it individually to EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of the Republican party.

    Geeze...don't you people ever hold a meeting or anything.

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