
Why is obama such a bad father.?

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he forced his kids to listen to hate speech in that church for their whole lives. they heard racist comments and so on. how could those children expext to grow up and be normal. it is embarrasing that he put them through that. and then to publicly display them on national t.v. for political gain. he has since disowned the church and said he would never put them on t.v. again, what poor judgemnt he displays, don't cha think?? thoughts??




  1. I don't believe he gives a darm about the kids - he really only brings them up for political reasons, and parades them out for photo ops to his own advantage. His ego and narcissim doesn't allow caring for anyone else, they are just useful props to him. Michelle isnt any better as amother - she dragged those kids to Rev Wright Church and let them sit and listen to that horrible ascreaming hate speech? Makes you wonder why thats not considered
    verbal abuse to the kids.
    BamBam got married and had kis because he needed the props to get him where he wanted to go - its all about him, always was,always will be. What did he just say at,yawn, yet another fundraiser(moochfest) he was at? Don't make me look bad???? Always about the Annointed One. this guys got serious issues.

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