
Why is one considered a bandwagoner when going to be a fan of a good team?

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But not considered a bandwagoner when being a fan of a good player? Honestly, isn't the Lincecum fan base a bandwagon? And the Josh Hamilton fan base?




  1. Well, I don't give a rat's behind what any baseball snob says. I'll take a bandwagon fan every single time over a fan of another sport. A lot of people grew up in New York and the surrounding area and are fans. A lot of people from out west and the mid-west and the south grew up Yankee fans. To them I say -- to h**l with what whining ranters have to say. Cheer your team. The snobs think they are number one. So show them one finger in their honor.

  2. This is an easy way Pittsburgh Pirates fans like myself can make ourselves feel better.

    It has no real meaning...if you aren't a bandwagon-er, then you aren't a bandwagon-er.  

  3. A lot of Red Sox, Yankees, and Cubs fans are said to be bandwagoners because those are the teams you hear about all the time. Fan bases could be a little bit that way too, I guess.

  4. A bandwagon fan is a fan that roots for a certain team when they start to do good. Example: People who were casual fans of baseball, then became Sox fans after the '04 WS victory are bandwagon fans. People who were fans of the Sox before that are not bandwagon fans.

  5. Ya..I'll admit. I didn't follow Hamilton while he was with the Rays or maybe I jumped the wagon. But the guy is a monster and I've read up on him and know my Hamilton facts and can look past what hes done and appreciate whats he doing now. I have no shame in saying I'm a Hamilton fan.

  6. Because like the Yankees , Red Sox Cubs or  Teams who have had success, people start to watch them

    and Hey, I am a Lincecum fan nothing wrong he is a good kid and Pitcher  

  7. I have been a Lincecum fan since he was DRAFTED by the Giants

    he is the giants FRANCHISE

    thats his Nickname "The Franchise", only giants fans know that, or people that watch the GIants broadcast when Lincecum is Pitching

    There are alot of Lincecum fan boys out there, but all Giant fans are true Lincecum fans

    But I agree, people Bandwagon a player

  8. i think a bandwagon fan is considered to not just pick their team based on their winning ways, but to switch constantly between teams that are playing successfully.  Usually if you jump onto the red sox bandwagon as your first team favorite, your still considered a bandwagon fan.  Which actually seems fair if your only doing it because you want to root for a winning team.  But i think that being a fan of a good player just means you respect how good he is.  I respect and really like lincecum, you could even say im a fan of him.  I also respect winning teams, but i dont just start rooting for them as a die hard fan.

  9. Not sure. I'm a Dodger "bandwagoner" but I don't see myself that way.

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