
Why is only Harbhajan targetted and not Shreesanth for what all happened onfield?

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If you say that only harbhajan is responsible for all that happened then it is not going right. Shreesanth is not a kid and should know how to behave with his senior fellow friends. moreover Shreesanth is disliked by almost everyone in the team. If the umpires onfield say that Shreesant was behaving too arrogantly with the players of mumbai indians and they heard him abusing Harbhajan many times then why didnt his words were taken into consideration and Shreesanth also to be punished. Everyone is not perfect in this world. it maybe that Harbhajan is a short tempered man and he just reacted according to his temprement. Why didn't in Australia did Harbhajan slap Haiden? It is because Haiden was a australian player and he was doing for his team, but here case is different, Shreesanth is a player who plays with Harbhajan for India and if he starts abusing to him whatt does it show?




  1. dude, frg8 it,

  2. if harbhajan has a short fuse he should get to some anger management classes...and not keep slapping anyone who provokes him...and i dont think harbhajan is worthy enough to be in this game...he did it in australia and now he has done it to his own is a gentelmens game not a mentalmens game...harbhajan showed what a ghatt he was when he slapped doesnt matter what sreesanth said...if you have played any kind of sport u should no that there is banter between players...and they provoke each other...but u dont go on slapping people for that...according to me harbhajann should never be allowed to steep onto a cricket field again...

  3. Its India dude

  4. sorry dude, your question is bigger than harbhajan's charge sheet.

  5. don t know what to say , but i guess 'harb' is wrong there.

  6. Harbhajan is at fault as he slapped Sreesanth. One cannot

    take any sort of physical action against any player, official or

    fan irrespective of what the other did. Both are bad, both are

    hot-heads, both show aggression for wrong reasons. Yes I

    agree no one is perfect - but that does not give a right to the

    other to slap one. People do not understand what sledging

    really is - need to learn from Aussies, they are thought at an

    early age. Indians try to mimic them but when things get

    heated, which is natural for un-trained sledgers to react the way we have seen.

    It is not these 2 players alone who have problems in Indian

    team, there are many mostly young guns - paid high and asked to sledge - and gets carried away without realizing

    what lies ahead of them. Immature actions lead to this sort

    of behavior. It is high time for Indian board, officials to take

    a serious action against all such players. Board is also at

    fault as they just warn and never implement the warnings.

    What use is this.....look at the same behavior in Pak - today

    Shoaib's ban is upheld.....pointless as far as I am concerned.

    There are some players, they make headlines for wrong


  7. Okay Boys & Girls;

    First - The 2008 IPL is new drama in the cricket history. Think as a part of the serial and do not know where they are going.

    Second – The 2008 IPL are specifically designed and orchestra such way so that owner make money or take some right off (Taxation) in their income. Such as all the bollywood celebrities, all the capital vultures (ooops ….. I mean CV – Capital Ventures like Ambani etc). These people are the real puppet masters and they are biggest lobbyist in politics within ICC and BCCI. Governing bodies are also very greedy and some of the individual are now multi-millions. So only people get hurts are younglings’ cricketers. (Watch out Virat Kohli, Ajay Jadeja, Piyush Chawala ….)

    Third - whether you ban Bhaji, Shrisanth, Symonds, Akhtar, etc for 5 years or life time, it does not matter. These vultures can always find another Bhaji, Symonds etc with the lure of money ($$$$)

    Fourth - It all comes down to us as a general public, who like to see these kind of altercations, and media make sure they published these kind of nonsense very first.

    Final – For IPL or any contest in the world, as long as people have money to see and can afford to watch these kinds of fun and entertainment, (well … I am one of them), and then these vultures can deliver very exciting and thrilled entertainment.

    So long live ________. Fill in the blank. (Vultures OR Cricket)

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