
Why is opening the fridge for too long not environmental friendly?

by Guest59436  |  earlier

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Why is opening the fridge for too long not environmental friendly?




  1. Opening the fridge door for longer than necessary, is not environmentally unfriendly!

    It is simply a waste of energy,(which you have to pay for)!

    So financially, it makes sense NOT to leave the door open any longer than necessary.

    I do have to laugh at a couple of the answers so far from people that seem to honestly believe that every time you open the refrigerator door, that you are releasing anything other than previously cooled room air!

    I could continue, but I think it may be a total 'waste of time' for anyone who can not be bothered to learn some 'Basic Science'!

    Beside the fact that most people find proper science to be too boring, or incomprehensible!

  2. because...... the frige has lites in it and doesn't ure house and lites use energy and ure fridge wood produce heaps of energy so dont leave it open coz its puttin green house gases in the world and we are already stuffed in this world!!

  3. Forget the environmental BS.

    A fridge uses energy to pump heat out of it's interior into the room.

    Leave the door open & your paying to pump heat in circles.

    It's like heating your house with the door open.   It wastes a lot of energy.  Which is expensive.

    If you belive in man made Global Warming,  this is bad for the environment.   I tend to view it more as not wasting money.

  4. The second law of thermodynamics

  5. Cause fridges contain CFC gas which is unfriendly to the environment

  6. I don't know if it is not environmentally friendly, but I do know that when the fridge is open too  long it lets the temperature rise which can allow some foods to become the wrong temperature and this can be unsafe for you to eat.

  7. Because you are allowing warm air in to the fridge which then has to be cooled. This can be expensive and means more fuel used and more CO2 produced.

  8. It makes your head explode which releases green house gasses into the atmosphere.

  9. it changes the temp making it work harder

  10. Open the fridge any old time, even if your not hungry. I open the fridge sometimes and put my head into the freezer section to cool down. Its awesome.

  11. It makes the fridge over-work and use more energy to keep it cool while you let the coolness escape.

  12. Might start that global cooling trend that we fought back so hard in the 70's...


  13. It makes it work harder. While the door is open, the food starts warming to room temp. When you shut the door, the compressor runs to re-cool the air inside. The more the compressor has to run, the more power that is used.

  14. Hi,

    Nice question.

    Fridge is just like a room heater you use in winter. The only difference is that it takes heat out of fridge and throws it somewhere else (Preciously touch the compressor at the back of fridge and you will feel the heat)

    Inside of fridge is made up of heat insulating foam. So once inside is cool enough (which is decided by temperature controlling mechanism, informally known as stat ) it stop cooling it more. It means your fridger is not eating electricity.

    Now when you unnecessarily keep your fridge door open. The rate of heating up inside will increase and it will warm up. So your fridge will start consuming electricity.

    Unnessary wastage of electricity means environment problem.

    PS: Do not keep your fridge door open to make your room cooler , as it will actually make your room warm as compressor is also in your room.

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