
Why is osama bin obama HUSSEIN talking about how he's going to install a basketball court at the White House?

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1. Isn't he propagating a stereotype that blax love basketball?

2. Why is this jerk so pompous and arrogant and talking as if he's already won the election, when in fact he will lose badly.

3. Does he think that Washington D.C. and the White House is an appropriate place to be bouncing around a friggin ball and jumping around in the air with one's tongue sticking out?

What's next? Is osama bin obama going to make millions of dollars in advertizing and promotions like Tiger Woods and Michael Jordon? Is he going to have his own line of Air OsamaShoes and HUSSEIN Hanes?




  1. That's a total waste of tax dollars if yu ask me.

  2. The asker here is a racist idiot. That is all.

  3. Didn't some white president install a bowling alley in the White House..

    I don't believe this racist bullshit anyway..

  4. Well, the White House is now occupied by an idiot playing war games, you think that's appropriate?

  5. I think it was everyone's favorite useless president, JFK, who installed a swimming pool in the White House... so why shouldn't Obama install a b-ball court if he gets in? He's into basketball because he happens to play as a way to unwind on the campaign trail (per a story in the NY Times), just like a lot of my friends -- both Black and White -- do to unwind after work.

    As for Black people liking basketball an inordinate amount (or so you seem to believe)... like it or not, Black people have generally constantly occupied the lower social rungs in this country. Not to say that Black people are "uncouth" or something, just that they often end up being among the poorest in American society (which is the real problem in this country -- class, not race; unfortunately, there are those who would love to keep Black people poor because they think it will ultimately work out better for White people; these people are known as "idiot scumbags", but I digress). Basketball is incredibly cheap to play -- all you need is a ball.

    Too bad that so many people are hating on Obama. He's our only hope right now.

  6. Your juvenility is unparralleled in the annals of human history.

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