
Why is our galaxy called the milky way?

by Guest62095  |  earlier

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Why is our galaxy called the milky way?




  1. Because to the ancients, it looks like a river of milk in the sky, milk obviously being the liquid that brings life. So the milky way was the river bringing life from the heavens down to the Earth.

  2. look up into the night sky and see the trillions of stars scattered like spilled milk across the sky and your question will be answered.

  3. In greek mythology,Once Jupiter held infant Hercules to breast of sleeping Juno and some milk Spilled.That became milkyway in the sky.

  4. Because the cow jumped over the moon and  well you know what cows give ...

  5. Ancient people thought that the pattern of stars across the sky looked like a stream of spilled milk.

  6. When people looked up in the sky, the would see this big (milky) white band of stars across the sky. People ended up adapted milky way to the name. in Fact the work Galaxy means milk in greek.

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