
Why is our government so concerned about terrorism, yet do nothing about our open borders??

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Why does our government feed so many outsiders with money but many are in poverty here in the usa?




  1. Because the Mexicans don't bring oil with them when they cross the border.

  2. Ending the problems would mean that they wouldn't be able to use said problems to get votes and more control over the American People (like the Patriot Act).

  3. Yeah, you gotta watch those Canadians.  I mean, at any moment hordes of us may come streaming over your border and take over.

  4. I agree we need to close and control our borders. But that has nothing to do with terrorism. So far there have been no terrorist attacks by people sneaking across the border. The people who wish to harm us simply fly in here with the blessing of our government. The most dangerous border we have is our international airports.

    I can no longer visit Canada like I enjoyed doing for years. So I just stay home now. Our government is controlled by morons.

  5. Because we are a humanitarian based country.  The border situation is being addressed, but it will take time for any substantial progress, particularly since no one seems to want to go to work on the Mexican border for some reason (not talking the volunteers).

  6. Ho, Ho, buddy, you have over 200 years of history to catch up on.  Start with a book called "Where White Men Fear to Tread", by Russell Means, and then check out a book called "Rivers of Blood, Rivers of Gold", by an author I can't remember right now.  You should be able to find it with just the title.  Then perhaps read some Chalmers Johnson, or Noam Chomsky.  If you're into movies because digital entertainment saturation has robbed you of the focus and attention span to read, (it's not an insult, it happens, and who can blame most people?), then check out the documentary "Why We Fight", and perhaps "The Corporation"..  You'll find the answer to your question, but you might not like it very much.

  7. Noam Chomsky. What a tool.  

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