
Why is our government turning into communism?

by Guest32774  |  earlier

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Law enforcement agencies are turning into bureaucracies against the public, its all about money. Take the peoples money




  1. your government at the federal and state level has committed treason against the American people and the constitution!

    the country went bankrupt in 1933, thus the Government for these united States the Republic, the Union was dissolved unconstitutionity by the Congress. The federal reserve system  a banking cartel of 13 families, 9 who are oversea, dictate what goes on in this country, they are holders of the bankruptcy.

    they have taken your money away gold and silver.

    they have taken your common law away and replaced it with statuary law that is copyrighted which makes it private law, known as public policy.

    They have cheated you out of your money by letting your believe that you owe a income tax, that is nnething but a usage tax on those private federal reserve notes.

    read the federal reserve act and you will see you can not pay off the principle of the national debt only the inerest and it has to be in gold.

    WAKE UP! you are a human being not a consumer, if you wnt to change this country back to the republic,start saving instead of spending. The excise taxes on imports pay for the programs in the US

    The income tax is used by the international monetary system to ship your jobs oversea to break the middleclass, look around their are very close!

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