I think I might have some kind of idea. We base our laws on a document that was written almost 250 years ago, after that amount of time I think it's reasonable to assume that our country has changed enough to maybe think about making serious revisions? I know there are amendments, but still, they take so long to get passed that a lot of the good ones get lost in translation, while others that might not be such bright ideas get passed in a hurry due to a wartime society or whatever. Another reason is that we leave what was written in the Constitution to be interpreted by some jerk in a robe and some lawyers looking to get rich of their exploitation of it. So much time has passed that most of the ideas written in the Constitution can be warped with talk about new technology, knowledge, development of anything really. Why not start working on drafting a new set of ideas more pertinent to our new society instead of being stuck in the past?
I'd like to hear all of your ideas/input on this, please bear in mind it's just my opinion and I'm more than happy to listen and think about yours so give mine a chance as well.
Have at it!