
Why is our mood affected by the weather, i.e. happy when sunny and sad when cold and damp?

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Why is our mood affected by the weather, i.e. happy when sunny and sad when cold and damp?




  1. the sun relishes endorphins into the body that make you happy. Other things that release endorphins are running and s*x. . . . . .

  2. Stoo73 is correct, there is no one single answer. If you have a mental illness that does not react to the serotonin levels in your brain, it doesn't matter whether it is sunny or cold and damp. The weather does not affect everyone's mood the same way. I've been known to sleep all day when the sun is beautiful and bright, and have gone for a walk in the cold dampness. I guess it depends on who you are and with what life situation you are managing.

  3. daylight stimulates the brain, and you're not using extra energy keeping your body warm, so you just feel better all round.

  4. no way!

    winter makes me soo happy- not because i'm emotional and bad weather makes me feel good, because its cosy and loveley and i can curl up with hot chocolate & watch movies!!!!

    lol XD

  5. To me, it seems that since our body's system of Homeostasis (keeping a constant temperature) works continuously it has to be a factor in what you're asking about.  Our network of nerves, muscles, and organs have to go through gazillions of minor adjustments every nanosecond!  When we are in an environment where there is less stress on our system i.e. sunny weather, comfortable atmosphere, etc., then our body is 'happier'!  If our body is happy, our 'mood' is happy.  If we are constantly trying to keep the balance in uncomfortable conditions, cold, wind, rain, the easiest way to show that we are uncomfortable is in our mood.  "Most" people don't get grouchy when they are comfortable, only when they're uncomfortable.  

  6. we're affected by everything around us...and the sky above and temperature sorta constitutes towards that

  7. Maybe because as a species we simply prefer & thrive in good weather.

    In bad weather we tend not to be able to do some activities we like, and if working often end up working outside in the bad weather.

    I don't suppose there's any one single answer.  

  8. because when its sunny you can go out and do something, when its cold and dampy your stuck inside doing chores, or not having fun...

  9. This disorder is called S.A.D.

    (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

    Researchers believe the decrease in sunlight due to winter months can cause slight to severe depression due to lack of vitamins.

    Studies show people who are exposed to artificial sunlight for 15 minutes a day can avoid the SAD symptoms.

  10. Seratonin levels drop when there hasnt been any sunshine.  This awful July and August will have most peoples seratonin levels at minimum and thats why there are a lot of glum faces, and lethargy around.

    Hopefully there will be a reprieve in the early part of September and we can stock the levels up before winter gets here.

    Seasonal Affective Disorder really does exist!!

  11. I think it has something to do with the sun raises vitamins in the skin that contribute to the seratonin in your brain which raises your mood.

  12. Light trips serotonin in your brain, Serotonin is the feel happy chemical in your brain.  

  13. You need a good supply of sun to produce vitimin D in your body,if you don't get it you feel down.

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