
Why is our website blocked on Yahoo (even for searching our own trademarked and unique keyword).?

by  |  earlier

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It is about three years my site is blocked. I suspect some manual edit from Yahoo. I waited and there is no improvement over the time. I waited patiently, but I would really like to find a reason.

For example try to search for INCPARADISE on INCPARADISE is a unique word and also registered trademark owned by our company. It is also domain name for our website:

You will not find our website, which is the most relevant result for this word.

1. Why?

2. How to fix it? Writing to doesn't help. I did it three years ago and still waiting for response.

3. Does it make search engine irrelevant if users cannot find website by searching it's own unique trademark?




  1. it's considered spam dude look at it

  2. did you notify yahoo! of this site, you can submit it to search engines so that people can find it!!! look for a submit site or somthin. or if you did this it could be marked as spam or embeded virus, but i can see your site fine with my software so try the first thing.... OH! GOOD GOD,..... maybe the problem is you need better glasses, it's loaded with your site...

  3. You might want to check your yahoo should have one for the website which includes hosting pics...make sure your credit card info is you owe them money!

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