
Why is outer space as enormous as it is?

by Guest66664  |  earlier

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Do you believe there is life on other planets? I don't have an opinion on this matter, just curious to see what others think.




  1. Yes, I fully believe that there is life on other worlds far, far away. As for space, how small should it be? Should it be contained in a big box? If you think about it for a while the question will answer itself.  

  2. Yes,

    I agreed with you.

    Enormous yams from outer space! (with Amrys's hand for size comparison)

    You can cheek this >>>

  3. Because God created it that way. It's just one way for God to point out how cool He is! Maybe there's life out there. It seems strange such a huge place wouldn't have other life forms, but I don't know for sure.

  4. Why is it so enormous?  There was nowhere else to put it....

    Likely that there is life, unlikely that we will discover it in this lifetime...

  5.   It is big but finite,likely about 6 billion light years in radius.

      Life proliferates in all parts of the universe and where there is life intelligent,technological life like ours is bound to follow.

      They would probably think like us and have all the problems we make for ourselves.

      They could look like anything you could imagine and we would theorize about our existence as we do about theirs.

  6. It's only enormous because we are so small in comparison. It's all relative;)

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