
Why is part of America so afraid of Communism?

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Don't say it isn't fear, because it genuinely is. That's why it's called a "communist threat".

Yes, you aren't rewarded by how hard you work, but when you work as one body, you do work towards a greater good and people get equal rights. Equality rules out jealousy. With no consumer capitalist society there would be no greed, no crime to do with greed, except crimes of passion. Don't say that it makes everyone poor and use Russia as an example, before Communism Russia was just as bad.

I'm not a Communist myself, but I am left wing. However sometimes I think that Communism is made out to be worse than it is. I just want your opinions on this question.




  1. As Rosa Lumemburg( The famous marxist theorist) said, it's not so much dictatorship of the proletariat as dictatorship over the proletariat.

    The important word here is dictatorship.

    At the beginning of the Soviet empire they declared their hostility to the western democracies and their intention to destroy them, so it is only reasonable for the capitalist world to take steps to defend itself

  2. The whole world should be afraid of communism, their governments are hardly ever elected in the first place, and then when they force their way into power they ban democratic elections so that there is no opposition.

    One only has to look at the evils of Stalin's USSR, the wall around the former  East Berlin to stop people escaping to freedom and the current terror regime in North Korea to see how communism really operates.

  3. communism itself as an idea isnt so bad..its the way the countries that have chosen to be communist have been run.. by dictators and whatnot that was not good! theory its a good idea gone wrong?

  4. It is not fear it is concern You live in the part of the world that was the go along to get along co exist disarm and they might nuclear free zone

    You are the cowards and the misinformed Cuba has an excellent heath care You have never been there but have seen sicko a doz times Cuba is a toilet

    We are the only country to stand up to the USSR Today you can find their women all over the world walking the streets looking  for ''johns'' except Cuba too many young teenagers taking care of you Brits euros and Cannucks

    Don't be a coward you are a communist just say it

  5. Self lack of knowledge.

    Decode this lyrics " Rasputin"

    Living in misery with "Fear is the key" of getting kick on the butts by the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom in messing up someone else graveyards in time.


    What do you think?

  6. I don't think "afraid" is quite the right word. Some of us really value the freedom we have in America. Communism may be just the ticket for some other country, but I don't see any society currently, or in history, that is content under communism. If you know of one, don't be afraid to move there and give it a try. It would be a lot easier than trying to make this great capitalist republic into a communist dictatorship.

  7. the Communist are just atheist that riped off the true Christians belief because that is true Christan belief except instead of everything belonging to the state it all belongs to THE LORD,

    i dare anyone to prove me wrong,

    Don McClanen thinks a condition called pleonexia has overtaken the U.S. 'Pleonexia is an insatiable need for more of what I already have, and it has penetrated our culture to the point where people are angry at the poor,' he states."

    Jaye Scholl; Don McClanen Offers the Wealthy a Different Kind of Freedom; Barron's (New York); Sep 18, 2000.

  8. Maybe it has something to do with the 100 million killed last century by their own communist governments.  Communism requires an all-powerful government in order to enforce it.  Those who don't to along with it have to be dealt with somehow, too.  What do you do with those who refuse to give up their property or their religion?  The kind of utopia that communism hopes to achieve is not possible.  You can't eliminate things like greed just by taking away everyone's posessions, and the harder communist governments have tried, the more their populations have suffered.  You're certainly correct that Russia was not a good example of communism, but can you even name a good one?

    U.S.S.R: 20 million deaths

    China: 65 million deaths

    Vietnam: 1 million deaths

    North Korea: 2 million deaths

    Cambodia: 2 million deaths

    Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths

    Latin America: 150,000 deaths

    Africa: 1.7 million deaths

    Afghanistan: 1.5 million deaths

    EDIT ---- Well, you can try a google search using "Cuban healthcare, but mine didn't get very positive results, especially with an image search.  It's a little hard to know for certain, however, since the internet is banned in Cuba.

  9. The founding fathers feared government tyranny... Why don't you?

    Two words: COLD WAR

  10. Countries ruled by rich oligarchs, tyrants and corporations tend to be very suspicious and bate movements which argue and fight for greater equality and justice for the common people. One can see why. They want to concentrate power in their hands.

    Although the US is a so-called western democracy, it has a system which is most effective and efficient in concentrating power in one person and his cohorts and cronies. One has to see how well Bush and the neo-cons achieved this in recent years to see how true this is. Then look at other rabidly anti-communist govts/tyrants throughout history - Franco, Marcos, Shah of Iran, Chiang of Taiwan, Pinochet, etc.

    There is no doubt that some dictators have used communism as a cover for extending and justifying their power, resulting in oppression, e.g. Stalin, Pol Pot. But in its pure form, it is rule by the will of the people for the people. Look at the kibbutz movement.

  11. communism looks beautiful on paper, but hideous in reality

    Tryant government--- Mao Zedong China, Ho chi minh Vietnam

    the people aren't happy with a communist government all the power is to the government not to the people.. no freedom of speech, or press

    It goes against our declaration of independence.. and everything America stands for.

  12. Marxism in its purest form has good intentions. But it is also naive and flawed and impossible to implement for a nation state. Communsim as an economic system yields poor results, and politically it leads to authoritarian dictators and dangerous ideologies like Stalinism and Maoism.

  13. The problem with communism isn't the idea of it, in theory it is a great form of government.  Unfortunately like any system it is open to corruption  and when the state holds all property and control over infrastructure and wealth and asset distribution.  These can be used as weapons against sections of a population at the whim of government.  

  14. Cuba has an excellent health service???? HAHAHAHAHA!!! You actually BELIEVE the c**p that Michael "Watch My Crappy Movies and Make Me Rich" Moore spews?

    You sound to me like someone who is taking a sophomore-year Poli-Sci class and is learning about the different political systems.  But you haven't actually gotten out into the REAL world, you haven't gotten to the END of your coursework yet, and you certainly HAVEN'T read ANYTHING Aleksandr Solzenicyn (God rest his soul) has written about communism... from the "frightening" point of view of FIRST HAND experience:

    ---His conclusion is Communism will always be totalitarian and violent, wherever it is practiced.

    ---He argued Communism was international and only cared for nationalism as a tool to use when getting into power, or for fooling the people. Once in power, Communism tried to wipe clean every nation, destroying its culture and oppressing its people.

    ---He also rejected the view Stalin created the totalitarian state, while Lenin (and Trotsky) had been "true communist." He argued Lenin started the mass executions, wrecked the economy, founded the Cheka which would later be turned into the KGB, and started the Gulag even though it did not have the same name at that time.

    ---Testimony to the U.S. Congress, July 8 1975:  "Until I came to the West myself and spent two years looking around, I could never have imagined to what an extreme degree the West had actually become a world without a will, a world gradually petrifying in the face of the danger confronting it [which is communism] …All of us are standing on the brink of a great historical cataclysm, a flood that swallows up civilization and changes whole epochs."


    Okay now.. add this to your coursework and see how wonderful communism is... and it's NOT because of FEAR... unless you fear losing your LIFE.

    Have a right-wing day.

  15. Too much government control of private citizens' lives, no reward for being above average, punishment for harder work. That's just to name a few.

    I am a medical student....why should I get the same salary and lifestyle as people who have half the education and work as me? Because I feel bad for them? These are the people that I provide medical care for. I'm already OK with providing care for people without insurance, but having the same income as those people is illogical

  16. Communism does sound like a good idea but practictally it would never work because people are greedy.

    And most people feel that hard work should be rewarded and people should be entitled to the finer things in life.

  17. Well, it only killed a 100 million people.  

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