
Why is pepper spray illegal?

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why is pepper spray illegal in canada? I mean it's good for self defense. It wont kill people like a personal handgun. So why is it illegal for self defense? The cops cant always protect you.

Is it because self defense is illegal?

Why is pepper spray banned?




  1. I carry a travel size bottle of hairspray. It is pretty blinding if needed

    Just be sure to get the aerosol one and not the pump lol.

    imagine standing there squirt,squirt,squirt haha

  2. It is one of a long list  of "prohibited weapons " that can get you arrested in Canada, for possession.

    Did you ever think that  it could be used on YOU ?

    Canada is NOT the USA. If you want to walk around armed to the teeth. MOVE THERE.

    Our society has a much less aggressive point of view, lets keep it that way. The fewer the number of weapons in Canada, the better  off we are.

    Jim B. Toronto.

  3. the politicians want the populace to be defenseless, unarmed, and sheepish..

    Who cares if it's illegal.  Get even more of it.

    Whenever the asssholes in congress ban something, i always stock up on it.

    Guns, ammo, pepper spray, incandescent light bulbs, and soon, cars.

  4. It really boils down to the cops didn't want the bad guys OR the average citizen to use it against them the same reason that tazers are only allowed to be used by the cops.  They have enough problems with guns, knives, and pointy things that they lobbied the government to ban these items to "protect" the population from them being used on us by anyone else.  

    I think that I'd rather a mugger spray me with peper spray and take my wallet than them using a gun or a knife.  I do like the suggestion of using the hair spray GOOD IDEA worth 10 points in my book

  5. omfngoodygooberzz!!

    i had no idea that happened... wow thats weird.. probably there are some chemical reactions if you spray it on a person i guess.. thats the best answer i could give you.. other than that.. OMYGOD I NEVER KNEW THAT!! lol

    good luck

  6. I second everything Jim B says. How ridiculous to ask if self defense is illegal. Come on now.  

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