
Why is pink a girls color?

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why cant a boy have a pink decorated bedroom or carry a pink napsack?




  1. He can if he's sweet

  2. Don't know why not. It was only tradition linking pink with girls and blue with boys so people would know if they're baby was a boy or a girl. As babies tend to all look the same when just little people. I'm female and prefer blue. I'm not a pink colour fan, but like pink the singer ha. One of my son's rooms was a burgundy colour and his young school friends used to say it was a sissy colour. So, I painted it blue. I wouldn't do that today I would tell them to stop being stupid. But this was 30 years ago.  

  3. It isn't a "girl color" there's no such thing as a boy or girl color,colors are colors.Its just that pink is associated with girls because of what society has taught us and blue is associated with boys.

  4. because vag's are pink

  5. I have marked your Q "interesting as I have puzzled over this for years.

    Pink is out of bounds for boys because ikkle girls have commandeered this colour as the emblem of their gender.

    For the same reason a City fan would never accidentally wear red and white.

    I am a female, but have always been snooty about the colour because it seems to promote women as being airheaded.

  6. It seems a `feminine` colour, but I have no idea why.

    Weren`t most panties pink, at one time in the distant past? I seem to remember......

    Maybe that is why!

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