
Why is pizza greasy & besides zits how is greasy food bad for you ?

by Guest62378  |  earlier

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I eat alot of greasy food, and never get bad acne, or anything.

What does greasy pizza, cheeseburgers, and stuff like that do to the body ?

I usually put a paper towel over the pizza, or flip it over in the box, and let the grease soak into the paper.




  1. You probably dont get zits because it might be a family gene.

    But, greasy food is unhealthy for the body, and it can produce alot of fat. Plus, you could become healthy and sick if you continue to eat greasy foods all the time.

  2. The cheese and if you have any meat toppings, will cause some grease on pizza but it shouldn't be overly greasy. I think you need to try another pizza place.

    Grease and fat in hamburgers,steak,pizza etc. can raise your cholesterol and cause heart problems later on. Try to limit the amount of fried foods you eat and you are already doing the right thing by blotting the pizza of extra grease.

  3. In answer to why is my pizze greasy, it gets the grease from the meats they put on it such as pepperoni and sausge. The greasier the pizza the fresher the meat.

  4. It's from using meat and high fat cheese, pizza isn't supposed to be greasy normally. Blotting up the excess oil/grease with paper towel is a great idea as it cuts nearly half of the calories.

  5. i never got a greasy pizza before i have no idea from where u got Ur pizza best advice change the place

  6. What is normally sold in USA  has nothing to do with the original pizza! pizza was a kind of Mediterranean thin bread  topped with some olive oil, garlic and  oregano! the Neapolitans added some tomatoes (in the XVIII century) and later (end of the century) mozzarella cheese.

    It was a complete meal for the lower classes! when it's made in this way it's healthy , low calories and ..GOOD!

  7. Contrary to popular belief, zits actually arent caused by eating greasy food. Greasy lotion and stuff will block your pores and give you acne but eating greasy stuff doesnt have anything to do with it. Eating greasy foods will clog up your digestive tract, lead to obesity, and it isnt healthy but that's about it. It's not related to pimples at all.

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