
Why is play important in helping children aged 3 - 5 learn?

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Why is play important in helping children aged 3 - 5 learn?




  1. helps them with creativity.

    helps them develop a sense of individuality and independence.

    helps them learn.

    helps them to be more practical.

    they have fun!!! essential in a childhood in my opinion.

    helps with teamwork if playing with someone else.

    helps with healthy competition if competing.

    teaches them how to socialise correctly with people

    i don't think there is a negative to children playing!

  2. I agree with most that has already been said but it also shows them that learning can be fun. It can give them a "map" on solving their own problems and to have the self confidence to ask questions and try new things. I am sure there is so much more in the early childhood text books and magazines that can be added to these answers and probably explained better.


  4. It teachas kids to be social and to share and the basic life skills that are needed when they get older.

  5. It is important because as the play they learn to share, about colours, songs and all sorts of other things.

  6. it teaches them skills,and the most important thing is,they have you time!thats the most important thing with kids growing up,they need either parent giving them time and showing them your there for them,watching and encouraging them,and when they do something new and you applaud them and see that gorgeous smile,its a h**l of a thrill,cos you know youe doing something right!!

  7. Because children learn through play.

  8. Play is  needed for the developement of personalities, imagination socialisation, confidence building, cognitive skills, perception, memory, language, communication and learning, memory, manual skills, co-ordination, exercise.......

  9. The first three years of life are when the child's brain grows at an astounding pace. This is when experiences form the rest of the child's learning abilities. Experiences in play create pathways in the brain that pave the way for later learning. Play is learning! Play is work! Play is important....and one last thing, play encourages children to be interested, so if they can learn through play, then they are deeply involved and will learn better.

  10. like a baby is playing and it sees 3 blocks.and it wanna build

    it.he builds it he could learn something new.he knows how to build a block together.

  11. it is essential for them to play because there is where their reality life begins.

  12. Encourages cognitive and social development.

  13. It is how children learn about the world...their minds are at the stage where they have to explore and do things rather than hear about them...through play they explore concepts, relationships, pretend things (things they arent allowed to do like cooking, feeding babies, being a firefighter etc).

    Because its fun and stimulating the children are more likely to want to repeat the learning. Also, if they enjoy it their self-esteem will go up and they will have whats called 'mastery learning' which is when they feel good about themselves and that they can achieve.

    There are many theorists who see play as advantagous---Montessori, Froebel, Sheridan etc. Look up on on the archives and type in 'play' and it will show you loads of articles which you can reference.

  14. Teaches the little terrorists how to get on with people.

  15. i truly believe it's the starter point for developing social skills.

  16. Encourages talking, building muscle, growth, understanding of the world and how things work.

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