
Why is pornography an inevitable necessity to most men?

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Four Questions...

1. I understand that we as women are beautiful creatures. What I fail understand, is if you have a lady, why must you seek out others, through p**n? Are these attractive women in our life not enough for your needs? 2.I have been asked "Well, you look at other people, don't you?"-and yes, we all note other attractive people, but I don't give them a sexual response. 3. That, and would you approve your girlfriend, mother, sister or even daughter participating in p**n. Why is okay to support other people in something you don't believe your loved ones should do? 4. Would it be asinine to ask a man to give it up, and expect them to eliminate it from their relationship?… Last, men:: Have you ever given up p**n completely for someone you love/ what makes a lady worth that sacrifice?




  1. Be careful of guys who say p**n is for immature men, if you love your wife etc etc. They are ultimately creeps and liars.

  2. It doesn't bother me for my husband to look at p**n because it's not something that he does constantly.  I will watch p**n with him occasionally and that doesn't bother me either because it's not constantly or all the time.  I wouldn't ask him to give it up because it's not a problem to me and unless he started doing it 24/7, I don't see any reason to ask him to stop.  I know that he loves me and, after 12 years of marriage, is just looking at the girls in the pornos to add to his imagination.  It doesn't hurt my feelings.

  3. Just like women love shopping basically.

  4. because for men to imagine being with the woman on screen is more reasonable than actually having  an affair to do it, plus most guys are critical of their love making technique and it would seem they try to gain advice from p**n. Personally, it would be unreasinable to ask any guy to give up p**n!  

  5. I had this same conversation last night with a friend who is going through a divorce, I'm about 9 months out of my own divorce.

    The issue of p**n and it's impact on both our our marriages had come up and we actually had a pretty enlightening conversation.

    We discussed the parallels of romance novels -vs- p**n and I think it's a very fair comparrison.

    Romance novels, typically written by women,deal with the emotions leading up to and more often than not include s*x. women crave and want that emotion and feeling from their husbands.

    p**n is about just raw s*x, is a visual fanatsy and. well, guys think about s*x all the time.

    Both are just tools that occupy each genders fantasies. men are visual while women are emotional but they are equal sides of the same coin.

  6. I think men just like watching it.....A lot of women like to also...including myself.  If you ask him to give it up he will still watch it.  And besides, men have never  had to control their impulses....society makes excuses for men to not control themselves so they dont even try.  If women were the ones watching p**n 24/7 making men feel would have been banned YEARS ago

  7. Simply because they are visual creatures.

  8. p**n is for immature men. If you have to look at p**n to get a kick out of life even when you have a woman that you love by your side, you probably dont even deserve her in the first place. To think that I wouldent let anyone get in between me and my girl's relationship i would have to be insane to let p**n get in between us. So yea not that i ever cared about p**n before but I'd give p**n up for almost anything.  

  9. The ones in p**n, don't see the responses............that's the big difference.  It's not like the men and women in a p**n movie or magazine  FEEL the guy or gal on the otherside of the movie or mag  masterbateing!

    Men are visual creatures.  A woman can use her imagination. She doesn't necessesarly need a movie or magazine to please herself.

    I think if p**n is going to be in a marriage, it wouldn't hurt for some of these uptight, threatened women to sit down and enjoy them with their men.

  10. Answers

    1.  My wife is drop dead gorgeous.  There is not a p**n star that comes close.  I do not "seek others" looking at p**n

    2. Non-question

    3. I am pro-choice.  I believe a woman of age (18+) makes those choices.  I would not suggest someone else should make choices for her.  I guess I would hope my daughter would make other choices, but I wouldn't want her to do a lot of things for job, not just p**n.  Would I "approve" of it?  I would approve she has that choice and I would hope she would do as well as possible.

    4, Yes, it would be naive to ask a man to give it up.

    5, I m********e.  ALL men do.  ALL women do but more women lie about it.  p**n is a visual aid for masturbation.  p**n goes back thousands of years.  There were cave hyroglyphics of p**n!!!!  It far outdates the internet.  I do not get soda and popcorn and watch 2 hours of p**n.  I watch it until I get off.  I have s*x with my wife every day and we BOTH m********e.  You cannot have s*x enough to eliminate masturbation.  Why would want to?  My wife uses toys when she masturbates (or the shower massage) and I am not jealous of her plastic toys.  I do not think she is cheating or wishing it was another man.  She is masturbating, that is all.  Sometimes we watch p**n together, sometimes we use toys together, sometimes she uses her toys and I watch.  It is all part of our sexuality, or s*x life together.  Waht's the problem?  She is not jealous of a woman in a movie.  She likes George Clooney.  So what?  I am not jealous of George Clooney.  She sleeps with me, naked, every night.  Poor George.

    Finally, try this.  Put two ads for the same car in the newspaper (or online).  One with a photo, one without a photo.  Give two phone numbers, one for each ad.  See which phone rings more.  Men are visual creatures, it is a fact.  We are stimulated by visual things (p**n).  Women are more cerebral in that area.  My wife can give herself a quick o****m with her finger and a few naughty thoughts, even faster with a vibrator.  It is the way we are.  It is not a "problem" in need of a solution.  Should my wife give up her vibrators?  Should I take the hose off the shower head (she would just use the tub faucet).  It is a ridiculous thought.  My wife is a sexual being, I am pleased she masturbates, I am glad she enjoys all aspects of s*x and doesn't think anything is "bad" or dirty.  I mean that little button of hers has no function in the world except for pleasure, why not use it?  The end of my p***s is full of nerve endings, more concentrated than any other place in my body, it is for pleasure.  I could certainly perform the biological function of impregnation without pleasure.  The process of joining sperm to egg does not need to be pleasurable to function.  The sperm and egg get no pleasure from it.  It is there to enjoy.  ENJOY IT!

    My answer to your last question is "no".  I cannot change my nature and no relationship is worth trying to or worth having to hide it.  My wife accepts it is a man's nature,  I would find it extremely difficult to "love" someone that denies basic human nature

  11. its like women and chocolate. plus honestly, i would be flattered if someone told me that my sister or daughter were attractive enough to do p**n.

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