
Why is preschool important for children?

by Guest57843  |  earlier

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i need 10 different reasons why preschool is so important for a child




  1. It's not. so why do you need the reasons. I think it would depend on the the circumstances. If the parents do not take the time to help them learn then it may help them, if the parents do help them at home that's best. If you start a child to early then you could cause them to have to go to school longer. There are some kids who will learn at their own pace and if you try to push that it will only cause them to retake a later grade. Every child has their own learning stages. I have 3 kids One soaks up thing like a sponge if he reads it, one started school whenshe was 5I didn't know they could start at 6, and I held her back a year because she wasn't ready. The following year she was on the A-B honor roll with no help at all, she just needed the time. Then I have my third, she is awesome. she is 2 years 8 months , she can count,knows her colors, counts in spanish, knows her shapes, knows her abc's, and so on but she is not sociably ready for school yet. I think she is a little behind in her social skills. At a young age they need love, attention, and a comfortable environment to live and learn in.

  2. The most important reason is when children learn how to learn before age 5, they always do better all through school, and even as adults.  The brain is forming at that age, and once formed it's capacity to learn (also called IQ) is set for life.

  3. because they  need a little fun before kindergarten

  4. It helps the child prepare for real school. A lot that they teach you is for reading or very simplistic things like shapes or animals O_o... I didn't go because I was already a great reader at that age.

    Some say that those who go have remembered important lessons in that grade and have mastered them, even applied it when the child got to grade school.

    Most of them have been good readers or have found themselves excelling at language class.

  5. It puts them in a social environment and they begin to learn how to interact with other children.

    Preschool is the exploring years. They can explore all the senses; seeing, touching, tasting, smelling, and hearing in so many different ways. In preschool they are introduced to so much of the senses in so many different ways.

  6. Hmm... I have a couple.

    1. It prepares them for the start of grade school.

    2. It helps them develop their minds and social skills while young.

  7. I am not sure if i wil be able to list down 10 reasons, but will surely make an attempt. Here is my list

    1. Early childhood education is very important. The way the child's brain is fed and groomed from age 0-6 years remains for the rest of their life. Read this article for more details

    2. It is very helpful in building their social skills.

    3. Peer influence helps kids to learn things faster. Like eat food on their own, using the toilet, learn to talk etc.

    4. They learn to share and stop being bossy. At home they are normally the boss at school its the teacher :)

    5. Exposure to new surroundings and information, different people, cultures and at times even languages

    6. They get to play with different toys, read new books. Else you are always trying to entertain them by buying new stuff.

    7. Most important, they learn to be disciplined. Once they start going to school everything needs to be done at a partcular time like go to bed, go to school, playtime at school etc. There can be no excuses. So they get into the routine and responsible.

    8. Parents get some time to themselves which makes them more open minded and anxious to spend quality time with their children

    Well thats all i can think of at this time.



  8. Ive taught preschool and to tell ya the truth I think kids are better off at home with parents who spend time being parents. You dont need children to be structured little robots before age 6. Then its state mandated to be in school . Let kids be kids

  9. 1) Because the more they are away from the average mother the more chance they have for a better life.  2) Because they won't realise for a long time, if ever, that they were a burden to their mother and preschool 'freed' her from the child. 3) Because the mother's career is more important than the child. 4) Because the mother-child bonding that forms will be weaker allowing the mother to move on and abandon the child much sooner than normal. 5) Because people who don't have and raise their own children can write books telling everyone how it should be done, in theory. 6) Because by sending kids to preschool we don't have to address real and serious social problems causing a national disintegration.

  10. alot of kids learn better in a group, it teaches kids to interact with others  before heading to kindergarten, they learn all the basics before kindergarten,the kids just have fun!

  11. The earlier they start attending school the better, because they get in the habit of going.

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