
Why is private chat on my xbox not working?

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Why is private chat on my xbox not working?




  1. Sometimes this happens to me. Just try turning your Xbox off then back on. If that doesn't work, see if your headset works, using a phone or something else that supports headsets. Also maybe your internet is having problems. Try resetting your router.

  2. when u accept a chat dose it say  joing?

    then thats your nat just like u cant get into there partys your connections dont work good

    thats my only thought

    also maby 1800-4my-xbox

    u to dashboard then go to system then clikc network  then click test connection at the bottom it say nat if its open then u good now have that person try test there connection  and if there open to then i dont see whats wrong u gotta call but if one of your are strict or moderet

    mostlikly one of u useing a router  and maby old if its a router go into the firewall and disable the firewall if that dont work that look up that brad router and find  the suppport number. if the internet company give it to u u can call and ask how to  if u cant then  have them mcome swith out the router. thats there job to provide best internet servies they can

    now if u have router try pluging your xbox into your modem and it should open  

    if the inter company wanna charge u more money for that rplacement like 5 bucks an month or  w/e  it would be cheaper buy one in store  in the long run  

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