
Why is " immediacy " important to the study of crime and deviance? Is there a study you could imagine conduct

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Why is " immediacy " important to the study of crime and deviance? Is there a study you could imagine conduct




  1. its like a cancer growth.  if not arrested, it spreads like wildfire.  then it will be too late or take much more resources to bring it down to manageable level.  

    look at how trends spread among teens and not only in one country but with internet, mass media it spread to other countries immediately too.  

    likewise, if its a bad trend / habit, it will spread too.  hence the immediacy for the authorities to be on top of things.  

    take singapore, supposedly to hv very low crime rates, they still cant bring it down lower as their studies is still lagging behind the trend and the trend setters and therefore the cirminals

  2. They are important

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