
Why is "An Inconvenient Truth" Still Shown In Schools?

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Well, I have no problem with it being shown, as long as the other side of the story is shown as well.

Or maybe at least state that some of the data has since been proven incorrect.

However, it rubs evangelistic (and many more types of ) christians in a very very wrong way...




  1. there IS no other side of the story. not one that's true anyway. the only other story i can think of is some bs religious stuff (sry if im offending u) but religion cant be taught in schools (with good reason)

  2. Global warming is not a political issue, it's a scientific one.  There is no "other side".  There's the scientific evidence and the scientific explanation of what it means.  Gore's film does a good job of explaining it in a way that the average Joe can understand it.  There are a few minor errors in the film, but the basic science is correct.

    Global warming has absolutely nothing to do with religion.

  3. It isn't being shown in schools. The producers offered to give free copies to schools but the schools declined the offer for fear people like you would complain. I guess they should have accepted, since you are complaining anyway. They might as well have the benefit of a free movie as compensation for the complaints.

  4. I don't think it has anything to do with religion.  My teacher showed it to the class and it just tells people about what's happening with global warming.  Learned a lot about it.

  5. Its propaganda.

  6. Not quite sure what your are asking are saying that christians are upset that this is being shown in schools?  What does being a christian have to do with global warming.  Also, Wooley....what does Micheal Moore have to do with this film?

  7. It is called political indoctrination.

  8. Schools are run by liberals. That movie is a liberal produced propaganda. Michael Moore is an idiot that makes money by conveniently leaving out pertinent facts. It is not allowed to be shown in the schools in England. There are nine mis-truths in it. Fact.

  9. Someone in Britain sued to try to stop it being shown in schools.  They lost, because the judge said the movie was basically right.

    Many evangelical Christians are among the majority of people very concerned about global warming.

    "Pat Robertson (very conservative Christian leader) 'It is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air.  We really need to do something on fossil fuels.”

  10. Why is GW denial still allowed in public?  Should be an executable offense.  Rotten polluters.

  11. Since when has Science and Christianity gotten along? What does the belief in Jesus got to do with climatology? If you don't want YOUR  kids learning science the way you understand it,then just home school them!  If you want to keep all kids ignorant of the facts of global climate due to mans abuse of the atmosphere,that's just not right!  

    Don't think that humans can affect the climate or atmosphere? Remember "leaded gas"?  As soon as the "big" government banned the use of lead in gasoline, the levels of lead in newborn babies  dropped! Why does the thought that humans have screwed the atmosphere up,get evangelists or Christians so upset? Nobody is claiming that the understanding of climatology goes against the bible!  Nowhere in the global warming consensus is there any reference to religious dogma. Why don't you understand that it's the oil companies that are polluting god's creation for greed and profit!  Do you really think your god would appreciate the Earth covered in asphalt,concrete,and garbage?  I'm not very proud of where things are at,and you should be too!

  12. matter what they do, people are going to complain.  It never fails.  People complain.  You cannot make everyone happy.

    BUT the people who don't believe in Global Warming are a minority to the people who do.  So the schools try to make the majority of people happy.

  13. To indoctrinate the youth into the global warming cult. You have to have faith that the Earth is warming with all the evidence out there saying just the opposite. I could site sources, but its not the answer to the question.

    Global Warming is a religion that is shrouded in superstitious  that man is causing the planet to warm, when there is no proof of this.

    Yeah, its not about facts kids, its about the money.


    Pantagru, I am not comparing global warming to Christianity; What I am saying is that global warming is a religion on to itself.

  14. Because teachers in this country aren't tested for basic competency.  If public school teachers were given an introductory algebra test without a calculator, a quarter of them would fail miserably.

    Edit:  Gengi...what kind of Algebra are you doing without multiplication and division??  Go ahead and ask an elementary education teacher under the age of 40 to do long division and watch her eyes pop.

    5x + 8 = 23, solve for x

  15. We watched it at school.

    But some b*****s said they didn't want to watch it anymore coz it was too scary.

  16. It has at least some real facts in it and it is very informative.

  17. why do you need to show both sides of the story. its like teaching evolution and then also teaching ID just because you teach evolution.

    in England there are some notes that are supposed to be shown with the film they point out 9 inaccuracy's that a judge pointed out.

    evans_mi... since when do use a calc for algebra?

  18. Ah, Ashlynn, How Did I Know You Weren't Going To Let This Go? :]


    Good For You.

    I Think I'll Address All Of The Poor Brainwashed People That Have Resopnded ^_^:

    constapato 2-why must we make this about Bush?

    And If You Are Referring To Ashlynn As A "Rotten polluter", you are barking up the wrong tree. She is simply wondering why such a controversial movie, that has as much as THIRTY-FIVE errors in it.(yes, 35 errors have been found)

    Ashlynn Isn't Denying That Pollution Effects The Rate Of Global Warming, But Al Gore Wrongly States That It Is Soley Mainkind's Fault. And that has been PROVEN to be false.

    Wooley-now you aren't on the "opposing force", but I am wondering about the whole Michael Moore Thing. I was not aware that he was the Producer. But I Do Agree That It Is Liberal Produced Progaganda and *someone* is trying to make money off it.

    One of the major reasons for Al Gore making this movie was to promote "carbon creds". These are things you buy from a company that claims they will use the profits towards the Global Warming effort. Kind of like you are lessening your carbon footprint. AL GORE OWNS THIS COMPANY.

    He's just trying to make more money. That man must make a HUGE carbon footprint! The man travels in his own private jet for goodness sake! Have you people seen his house? How many light bulbs does it take to light it?! lol

    campbelp..-IT IS BEING SHOWN IN SCHOOLS. I am currently a student, and have been shown it twice. Just because the science teachers association declined the offer, does not mean some have taken up the offer.

    You obviously are not well informed  on the issue. : \

    She isn't complaining, simply stating the facts. A Word Of Advice:Learn the facts before stating you know them.

    As For All That Asked What It Has To Do With Religion, An

    Evangelistic  Christian Father Of Seven In Seattle I Believe Says That He Believes That Global Warming Is A Sign From God That Judgment Day Is Coming. Ashlynn And I, Who Are In Science Class Together, Thought This Was Comical. But, As jcpnum4g stated, believing in Global Warming to the extent Al Gore sells it as is like a religion in itself.

    As for pantagru..., We  are "children" being shown this movie. But we know better then to soak it in and go running around like chickens with our heads cut off, thinking that driving around in cars is killing our planet[to the degree Gore claims]. Again, we are not claiming human kid has no effect on global warming. What we are saying is Al Gore is widely exagerating and the movie has serious flaws.

    I suggest you look at this site-

    rose-..woooow! You are so wrong. "there IS no other side of the story. not one that's true anyway." what you are basically saying is that all of the leading Scientists say that Al Gore is completely correct about his theory on Global Warming.


    Religion has nothing to do with the other side. NASA has since corrected their data on the ten hottest years, and now most of the hottest years occurred before WW2!

    Sorry, but you have been misinformed.

    Dana1981, Master of Science- Global warming is  a political issue, and its ALSO  a scientific one. There is another  side. There's the scientific evidence that Gore has exaggerated plenty, and used data that has since been proved inconrrect.  Al Gore is after making a profit. Like I've said, the man's carbon footprint isn't exactly small.  There are MORE than a few minor errors in the film.

    Check This Out:

    Global warming fanatics, i suggest you all check out the website above. Time for a reality check!

  19. global warming is over.

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