
Why is "Change" bad? Please be specific.?

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a_wood_80 and EB3, sorry to tell you, but not even close to the truth.




  1. Change is neither inherently good or bad. It's neutral.

    Hitler was a change that was bad for the world. We keep hearing that climate change is bad, even though it's a change that's continued throughout Earth's history. The Titanic sunk because of a change in course (if it had hit the iceberg dead on, it would have still been afloat).

    Change can also be good. Diseases being eradicated is a good change.

  2. Change is wonderful.  The only reason people think it is bad is because they fear it.

  3. Most people don't think it's bad, it scares them.

  4. Change is a fantastic thing... it scares people because change is unknown and most people don't like things that they don't understand.

  5. Tell that racist pig Obama to be specific sense he's NEVER said what changes he wants to make.  He's even threatened America with racial riots if he isn't elected.  That's terroristic and he should be in prison for it.  I know you would never ask him that because you're one of his gullible sheep who will buy his pig in a poke.  The only time Obama ever said what change he wanted was when he said:

    "My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it."

    -- Barack Obama

    I can't believe that idiot Obama wants to change something that is great.  Only a gullible idiot would vote for Obama.

  6. It's actually a fundamental problem that goes very deep. There's a segment of the population that lives in a perpetual state of denial and they reject everything real and factual. This has been going on for decades. We have always regarded them as harmless liberals, but they're far more treacherous than that. They're actually "anti-reality" people. Instead of taking responsibility for their own lives, behavior and actions, they blame everyone who has understanding and exposes them for what they

  7. That always depends on what change is going to be made. Change for the sake of having change itself is mindless and it is like playing Russian Roulette.

    And speaking of being "specific," what changes are going to be made? I will never, ever vote for someone who's one and only campaign slogan is "change," ...... without any "specifics."

  8. Change, nothing changes, it's just the appearance

  9. change isn't bad....I throw all of mine in a can every day.....and then cash it in and use it when I go to Atlantic gets too heavy to carry around....prefer bills

  10. first off CHANGE IS NOT BAD

    look at it this way

    if every one is content with the way that things are going then we wouldn't be the way they are

  11. Not all change is bad.  The change that Bushrack Obushma is proposing is socialism, and therefore bad.  Our country fought communism for too long to invite it into our own country.

  12. Change is a great thing if it's for the better, but you must be referring to Obama's version of change.. which since he doesn't have a clear exit strategy for the war, what will change exactly?

    but dont be confused I'm not biased at all McCain is no better, he wants more wars with Iran, 'maybe a hundred more years' of it.. also not good, but then again what do you expect, you have two CFR puppets going against one another.. there WILL NOT be any change, for the good anyway, it will be in as usual

    write in RP.

  13. All I hear said about this matter is that you want change yet you can't say what the change will be . There is a reason why nobody knows what Obama is talking about.

    Obama is hiding things. Change can be for the better, but it all depends on WHAT is going to happen.

  14. "change" in and of itself is neutral.

    i dont need to explain why it is bad, because I know that it isnt necessarily bad or good.

    others need to explain why they think it is necessarily good.

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