
Why is "Mis Congeniality" (Palin) being investigated by the Alaskan Legislature?

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Palin was given the Mis Congeniality award while getting her degree, a BA in Journalism, no doubt put to good use.




  1. My party used to believe in "innocent until proved guilty".

    She was being investigated to hurt her.

    I'd rather have an experienced President and somewhat experienced VP than an inexperienced President and an experienced VP.

    Besides, it's time to speak up against the socialist tilt my party has taken.

    Democrats for McCain.

  2. Another dirty republican.  Shocked, I tell you, shocked!

  3. Something about her sister getting beat by her brother in law....

    oh, and something about the brother in law tasering his own son.

    Evil Corrupted Palin wanted to have this brother in law fired from the state troopers.

    She's the Devil !

    /Sarcasm ends

  4. Because some politician has a grudge against her.

  5. Here is the deal with the whole "power abuse investigation":

    Palin's ex brother-in-law (a cop) tasered his 11 year old step son, threatened to kill her (Palin's) father, drank beer in his squad car and violated Alaskan game laws. He was suspended for 10 days, this got petitioned down to 5 days. He should have been fired but the commisioner did not fire him. Palin dismissed him (the commisioner) and offered him the role of executive director of the state Alcoholic Beverage Control Board but he turned it down.

  6. Have you even glanced at her record?

    Yeah, me neither, it was under a pile of scandals.

  7. She's being investigated for having her aide contact the Alaskan state police to have her ex-brother in-law terminated from his job for divorcing her sister.  She's stupid, petty, and got more "boob" oops "babe" value than "brain" value apparently.  Yes.  I said it because i think it is an insult for McCain and that sexist Republican party to think women will vote for an incompetent woman like Sarah Palin instead of a really competent woman like Hillary Clinton.  Jerks.

  8. b/c she tried to get her ex brother in law fired for no reason ....and when his boss wouldn't agree to fire him, she sent her assistants and husband to call him 24 times to pressure the guy to fire her sisters ex....and when he still wouldn't agree, she fired the guy.

  9. Democrats are such Hippocrates.

    They portray the Republican party as a bunch of old white men.

    Now that the republicans have a woman on the ticket, something Obama didn't have the courage to do, they can't wait to tear her apart even though they know NOTHING about her.

    Come on Democrats if you are really so devoted to women's rights give Sarah Palin a chance and at least get to know her before you trash her.

    Or doesn't a woman even deserve an interview?

  10. You are kidding!!!  McCain picked somebody being investigated for some sort of wrong doing?  

    Lord! - what would possess the republicans from backing anybody like McLame?  He doesn't seem to have the brains of a house cat.  

  11. for firing her ex brother in law, who was a state trooper  and an abusive husband, Good enough reason for me.

  12. She tried to get her sisters ex husband fired from the police force, someone said no. So she fired that guy. Obviously, she would make a FABULOUS Vice President.

    Dear McKenzie:

    Socialist tilt?? Do you not know anything about America? We are not, nor have we ever been, a true Capitalist society. We have always been somewhat socialist, and I do not understand your objection to helping your fellow citizens. Or do they not count, because they're just bums who choose to have cancer, or live on the streets.

    You obviously don't care about the bettering of America.

  13. Why are you oabama supporter so afraid of her?????

  14. Because it seems she used her influence to try to get her ex brother-in-law fired from the state police because he was involved in a nasty divorce and custody battle with her sister.  But then I am sure the Republican party thinks that is ok as it fits right in their style.

  15. She explains it here:

    "Palin's ex brother-in-law (a cop) tasered his 11 year old step son"

    I like how the Wikipedia article mentions this:

    "(with the child's consent)"

    That is irrelevant. You don't taser a child.

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