
Why is "The Queen's" husband not titled "The King Of England"?

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You would think that once you marry the heir to the throan, you automaticly become their counter title




  1. Were G-d forbid something to happen to the Queen, he could not remarry and have his heir reign.

  2. i have no idea

  3. I've answered this question so many times! The Queen was heir to her father,King George VI and Philip was not an hereditary heir to the THRONE,just a son-in-law.Since the Queen is regent,no one can bear a title higher than hers,which is "Queen Regent";the title "King" implies the regent and this won't do because the regent is Queen.Philip,of royal birth(Danish-German-Greek Royal Houses) must use the title for consort of a ruling queen,which is Prince Consort."Consort" is what a person who marries an heir can get in England;England's rule is hereditary,thusly,the wife of the Prince of Wales will never reign but wear the title of Queen(or Princess as they claim) Consort.The same rule apples to a male who marries an heir to the throne;he can never reign automatically,but becomes a "Consort." It would take an act of Parliament for Philip to become king.

  4. Doesn't work that way. If Prince Charles ascends to the throne, then Camilla will be Queen Consort, not Queen.

  5. All the above are the correct answer

    But He he has a knack of dropping himself in the brown stuff when he speaks, he's upset virtually everyone over the years

    due to him being as thick as pig sh*t and as tactful as a f**t in a library.

  6. no...I think it's because the Queen was the next in line technically for the throne and he was not...Just as if he was the next in line for the throne and she was not she would not be labeled "the Queen"

  7. Nope, you only get the title if you are in a DIRECT descendant line, not married to it.  Prince Charles would become King Charles, if the old bat ever kicks off.

  8. A King would automatically have the highest position of authority.  Since Elizabeth II was the eldest child born to a King, she became Queen upon her father's death.  If the oldest child would have been male, that son would have been King and his wife would have been Queen, or Queen Consort.

    Also, because of his divorce, if Charles becomes King, then Camilla will only be Princess Consort.

  9. in the royalties, when a woman is Queen, her husband receives other tittle (prince, duke...), because a king is more powerful than a queen. when a woman turns into queen ( married) se receives the tittle of Queen consort. so the husband of the queenis a prince no a king. in Spain for exmple the husband of the queen is Prince of Spain and  the crown prince is prince of Asturias. the same happenswith the english monarchy, the husband of the quuen is prince of england and the crownprince is prince os wales

  10. Because he's too lazy to do a quick search and see if this question has already been asked several dozen times.

  11. haha, only in spain does that happen, but even then the guy is only "titular" king of spain... meaning it's just a title.

    the reason for this is that the blood heir to any throne who then becomes crowned is the highest titled person in the country.

    In the case of Queen Elizabeth II, she is the blood heir to the throne of England and has been crowned.

    what the only thing higher than a queen?

    a king.

    that's why Prince Philip isn't King Philip.

    His wife is the figurehead of the nation not him.

    If a guy was the blood heir to the throne then he becomes King, not a titular king or prince but the King regal.

    He is then the Highest (truly) titled person in the nation.... if a woman was to marry him she would become a queen.

  12. It's a blood line thing.

  13. Because a Queen Regnant (who rules in her own right) in the UK is married to a Prince, the UK has Prince Consorts not King Consorts. When Scotland had a separate Monarchy they had King Consorts, Lord Darnley, husband of the Mary, Queen of the Scots and father of James I and VI was King Consort of Scotland.

  14. In the British monarchy, the husband of a female monarch does not have any recognized special status, rank, or privileges. In actual fact Prince Philip does play a major role in royal affairs, but this is not recognized in terms of his title. Interestingly enough, the wife of a male monarch (e.g. the Queen Mother was the wife of King George VI) takes on her husband's rank and style upon marrying, becoming Queen.

  15. Because he is not heir to the throne. He married Elizabeth, thus he married into the royal family and not part of the blood line.  That is why throughout English History you see women who are queens, ultimate rulers such as Victoria, or Elizabeth the first. Their fathers or mothers were desendants, part of the royal blood line

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