I've noticed it everywhere. I can't even turn on the radio without being bombarded by "green" advertisements. It's even playing a role in the primaries (elections).
I just don't understand what's so great about it I guess. I know it's supposed to "save the environment" but I think it's just a way for politiciians and appliance companies to make their wallets a little greener. It's being made popular by people in LA and NY, but where I live there are plenty of trees, bugs and animals doing just fine...
Energy Star appliances have ALWAYS been around-- for years. But now that everyone is supposed to "go green", they've jacked up the prices.
My husband has only been out of college for a year and I'm not even done yet. We don't have money to "go green" and people act like we're so awful for not doing it. Heck, why don't we just move out of our apartment and live in a burlap tent out in the woods? We can eat grass and brush our teeth with sticks-- after all, that's the green thing to do