
Why is "the man" and society in general against they think all bike riders are criminals ?

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Why is "the man" and society in general against they think all bike riders are criminals ?




  1. We aren't against motorcycles, many cops are bikers. In my agency, more than half of the officers are bikers.

    Because many people already have a bad impression of bikers, we tend to come down harder on the a*****e bikers who make us all look bad.

    I remember one town near me that denied a permit to operate a motorcycle repair shop in town. One of the politicians made a comment about not wanting "that kind of people" in the town. This caused a bit of a stir and the next council meeting was packed. The politicians quickly learned that ALL of their cops, 2/3 of their volunteer fire department, and 1/2 of their volunteer ambulance squad were bikers. The permit was issued very quickly!

  2. i ride with the red&whites, i ride with cops.... just not together, lol

    neither appreciates that i associate with the other

  3. Partly from really old images from the 50's movies of biker gangs.  Partly because there still are biker gangs (there are no scooter gang - and so people don't fear scooter riders).

    Good Luck...

  4. I'm with angela & the nj cop on this one, havent had a bad experience with the man since the 80s.

    maybe your riding the wrong kind of bike or wearing the wrong kind of clothes.(racing leathers on a loud buzzing rocket)

    more likely your imagination is getting away from you again, better take your med's.

  5. I don't think the question said anything about HDs, Joe B

  6. Because they are larger versions of Parents who don't want us to do anything where we might hurt out wittle selves.  Society has decided to take decisions about who we are and what we do out of our hands.  Seatbelt laws, helmet laws, warnings on cigarettes, beer and alcohol, medications to change that hyperactive child into a bored robot, are all designed to make us fit the mold of what they have decided.  The media, the harbingers of the nanny state which resides in most colleges, tells us every day which causes are good or bad, which shows and movies we should watch, the news items we should care about, and the wars that we should be against, and the ones we should ignore (yes, there's other wars besides Iraq and Afghanistan), the music we should listen to and vehicles we should ride.  They want us to be corporate zombies marching in lock step to the grave, flinging money at them as we go.  So, whatever the main stream opinion is out there, take a look at who's spouting it.  They're most likely the ones who would force us to wearing walking helmets and pads and replace side walks with foam rubber.  Don't take my word for it, find out for yourself.  The ones that scream the loudest are the biggest hypocrites.

  7. only the bad bikers get noticed

    the majority 99% of the riders are good, decent people

    but nobody does nothing to control and battle the bad 1%

    no other biker backs me up when I tell off and insult a bad biker, i'm on my own

    if more of us would unite and stick together and grab some of the bad bikers by the scruf of the neck and bounce their head off the wall to set them straight the non-biking public would have more respect and envy for us.

    typical example: local bar that I visit, during the summer when the weather is nice, the bad bikers walk in and cause problems, and during the winter when you can't ride, these same guys walk in the same bar and are good and friendly.

    just because you ride a HD doesn't make you a tough guy

  8. I don't think any of this actually happens, you may be watching more TV than is good for you.

    I've been pulled once on a bike in 20 years, and I was speeding so it was a fair cop.

    I've been pulled more than that in the car and only one of them was genuine so based on that "the man" has an issue with cars...not bikes.

    Go ride more and watch less TV.

  9. Big Brother doesn't like people who won't be homogenized into the general slop, people who might think for themselves, but I don't believe the general public thinks motorcyclists are criminals. A lot of recent anti-bike legislation has been sparked by bikes with loud exhausts, so, perhaps,  they just  think motorcyclists are very annoying.

  10. Stereotyped most often but then we aint all that fond of them either its a trade off you could have thrown the media in there to

  11. riding back in the 70's and 80's was a lot different then riding today. I don't get bothered at all now but back in yesteryear "the man" would pull over a bike if it was the wrong color. The "biker gangs" can make times tough IF they're of the wrong growd. On the other hand groups can do many good things, like raising money for charity. It still all comes down to opinion, if a cop doesn't like bikes then he will be watching. One nice thing is that more and more cops are becomming bikers themselves.

  12. "The Man" is not against motorcycles.  In case you hadn't noticed, most police forces have some motorcycle cops.

  13. ive never really noticed that... i live in an area where there are tons of bikers.. with vest and back patches etc...

    probablly due to the rebel with out a cause image..

  14. We think all bikers are criminals because they do such things as increase fuel mileage, decrease traffic congestion, and the most heinous of crimes there is, they wear beanie helmets!

    */End of Sarcasm.

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