
Why is reading "cool" now

by Guest34413  |  earlier

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Ever since HP , reading has been "cool" & now that HP is done... peeps are reading the Twilight series...(series of only 4 books) Is it just me, or has reading only become "cool" since HP ?




  1. Reading has always been cool to people who like to read, just now with books that everyone likes, people think reading those books makes you cool.

  2. Because everbody saw ME one day, and im really hot, and to be HOT LIKE ME, you have to have a book and look uninterested in everything else around you, so others will become interested in you, and then they ask "what you reading?" and then THAT there starts off a good relaitonship and  then maybe you'll gt married and have babies, and the babies will be real smart from all the books ya'll read and you can name them CHAPTER and STORY and then.....

  3. I never thought reading was "uncool" but never "cool". I pretty much hate Harry Potter & the Twilight series, but I still like to read. I don't think reading got "cool" because of Harry Potter though.

  4. Twilight is "cool" now because it's a book about vampires, ownership, and teen romance and angst.

    I thought it was poorly written (read the first chapter and the last chapter, have read tacky excerpts that people have quoted and whored on their myspace) and don't consider it literature.

  5. Because everything is being made into a movie and they want to know the story and people like to say that they were "ahead of the curve" and knew about something before someone else. It sucks, but it's true  

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