
Why is really loud bass from your stereo cool?

by  |  earlier

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Wouldn't pounding your fingertips with a hammer be just as enjoyable and less annoying to the rest of us?




  1. The problem I have with it, is even when I close my car windows, etc..I still feel it in my car.  It is not the sound so much as the vibration.  I can handle loud..I can outshine it..but that d**n feeling.

  2. hahaha! I suppose because it turns girls on like nothing else in this world, right? And I suppose if you asked girls (especially good looking ones) they would ALL agree that bass like that turns their heads and makes them all of a sudden passionately desire the driver of that car.

    lol. I have wondered the same thing. Not only do they listen to the bass and volume all the way up, but the listen to crapass music that nobody likes, and usually drive crapass $1200 cars with crapass exhaust buzzers that make their cars sound like they are broken.

    And then there are the guys that fly by girls on the street in these cars at blazing speeds and then, I suppose, look in the rear view mirror at her and think to themselves "oh yeah.. she definitely wanted me."

    God, if you are there and can hear me, when are you going to end this generation and start the next one!?

  3. Using techno or ambient with a good bass feels great.  Kinda like sitting in a vibrating recliner while you drive down the street.

  4. Really loud bass from my stereo is cool because that's how I like it....I can feel the music that way.   Ohhhhh it is so cooooL!

    Pounding my fingertips with a hamer would not be the same because there would be too much swearing invloved and I don't listen to that kind of music.   It has to have real words that I can sing along with.   Which comes down to another reason why the dang music is so drown out my singing, not that it's that bad or anything.  But if I can't hear my voice then I feel like I am actually the one on the stereo.

    Ok, now, you got that?   Try it Ron.

  5. loud bass....bass travels farther and easier than other frequencies. the stereo may be tuned just fine and sound good in the car, but you generally hear the bass more than the rest when your away form the car since it travels farther.

    i take it you don't like to go to concerts either? if you do, then you shouldn't even ask this Q.

    i will give you that most car systems have been improperly installed and all you can hear is the rattle of the thing as it passes....that and kids that do it just to be cool.

    however, when properly done its a different story.

    driving in my car is better than most concerts i have been house is even better. ;-)

  6. I HATE that c**p!!!!

    It's always these stupid rap fans, blasting their crude music. It makes me ill.

  7. Its not cool, they just want attention

  8. it has something to do with your breathing

  9. Maybe we get 'em a hammer and teach 'em it's cool. That is an excellent idea.

  10. KINGdos You need some help buddy.  Your trying to tell me driving around when you see someone with loud bass some of the time you hear there subs blow?  Thats BS.  Also maybe it sounds distorted because your outside of the car r****d so all you hear is the panels of the car vibrating.  All of you seem to think we listen to our music loud because we like attention?  THat is completely false.  I love loud music where i can hear the words but the bass is pounding and i dont just listen to rap.  When i roll up to a stop light i actually turn my stereo down to not bother others around me.  Im sure you all have hoodys that we think are ridiculous and pointless like you think ares is, thats why everyone has there own opinion but i can asure you we do not do it for attention, its a hobby.

  11. I am not sure what your asking i think you mean to ask "Why doesn't everyone like the music I like at the volume i like?" well, sir that is because we are all different. I am a 38 year old, highly educated person, that loves music and yes some has bass. Yes i do have a system in my jeep that is a bit more than a factory stereo. and yes  i do listen to it at elevated volumes. Why do you imply that is wrong?  To get a bit scientific on you, i play it well below the clipping volume, clipping being the act of a sin wave being cut or distorted due to overdriving a signal. Clipping is really what causes fatigue when listen to music. And factory radios clip far worse than aftermarket, making them actually more fatigueing than aftermarket. In fact rolling your window down introduces 4 to 5 X the SPL (sound presure level) than a factory radio can produce without clipping. Here is the way i look at it. I buy expensive equipment to make music sound lifelike. You certainly can appreciate live music after all you do go to concerts. So tell me why not play it at volume that replicates a live performance? I mean if i hear a drum, i wanna hear a drum as if it was live (try that with a factory radio),  and yes that takes a fair amount of volume. What you hear as a passer by is mainly bass yes. why? because the mids and trebles are trapped in the vehicle. This works in reverse as well. go to a nice outdoor jazz festival that sounds stellar. then get in your car and close the door......guess what all you hear is the bass.....because the mids and highs are trapped outside the car... I assure you if i were to have you sit in my car and play one of your cd's, you would turn the volume up to a compfortable level, be thrilled with the lifelike sound, lack of fatigue, and yes the car next to you would hear it very clearly as well. Thats what good audio is like... you should try it sometime....

    So......Sir.....i ask you to stop throwing around judgment unless you want to be judged...

  12. Not cool, just bad. I laugh almost uncontrollably when I hear one of those mobile thumpboxes blow a speaker.

    I've not heard even one that did not distort.  

    I've always tried to make my stereo systems sound like whatever band I was listening to sound like I was at a live concert.

    Maybe the thumpboxers do that too, it's just that their bands _sound_ like that??

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