
Why is recycling important?

by Guest60069  |  earlier

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Do You KNow Any good names that i can name a robot?

it has to be a female name but it has to sound robotic hehe




  1. Earth day project-- visit a landfill.  Next year, visit the same landfill.  The amount of c**p that goes into landfills is stupefying.  Anything (well, almost anything) that reduces that amount is good.  

    Furthermore, a "sanitary" landfill is just a pit dug out in an area with a lot of clay that serves as a liner to seal off the c**p from leaching into the groundwater.  When the landfill is full, more clay is added over the top.  The seal isn't bulletproof.  

    Whatever gets made from recycled goods cuts down on both the material-resources and processing energy that goes into making stuff from scratch.

    Re-use is even better than recycling.  Something that displaces the new thing someone needs and would otherwise buy, and replaces it with something used that they get from someone who would otherwise throw it out, incurs only the resource-use involved in transportation, instead of the energy and material involved in making the new thing.

  2. the reason recycling is important is the fact that it helps keep waste out of the landfill's.  Another reason recycling is important is the fact that raw materials are constantly in demand, and every time we cut down a tree, or dig something out of the ground, we upset the balance of nature.  If we can reuse the materials it is less strain on the environment, and leaves our grandchildren something long after we're gone.  A beautiful world.  I like the name Sheena for a female robot.

  3. man if I didn;t I wouldn;t have any compost for my garden and all those cans and newspapers would pile up,,,not to mention that our landfill is kind of small and I WOULD HATE for them to have to expand closer to my house.

  4. recycling is so fact everyone is encouraged to practice it..the main aim for recycling is to lessen the garbage volume not only in our households but in the whole community as well, including industrial and commercial establishments..another advantage is instead of buying new stuffs, we can improvise some things using recycled materials..and that is saving money for other expenses.

  5. recycling is important because when you recycle, your saving mother earth.

    robot names:

    robot girl?

    lady electric?

    psychie? ( say-kie)

    do you have a robot?

  6. Tons of Reasons -

    When you recycle, you are using something over again instead of going out and buying earth-realated things.

    For the Robot names -





    PS - Do you play sims2? is that what this is about?

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