
Why is red meat bad for you?

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other than because of high saturated fat levels, dont mention because its more fatty lots of things are fatty like milk etc.




  1. Like Abbas said, your body cant exactly digest red meat right away. It sits in your body and basically rots until it's able to completely pass through. It's not bad for you, but if you go crazy on it you'll suffer some affects eventually. Red meat does have a lot of essential nutrients for humans though.

    Instead of completely cutting red meat out of your diet, eat them occassionally and start eating more white meats such as chicken, fish or turkey :) that's what I do.  

  2. it is hard to digest, although if red meat if cooked to a "well done" temp it is much much easier to digest.

  3. I don't think it is bad for you.  Just don't eat it every day.  Lean cuts are very good for you, unlike the ribeye steak I will be eating for supper!  I don't eat the visible fat, but it is probably the least healthy cut of beef!

  4. well think about it - you're eating what that animal has eaten in a different form, the meat you're about to eat may be cancerious (the Meat Inspector can only check so much meat in an inspection), the hormones that were shot up in the animal to increase speed of growth or production of weight on the  animal, the toxins released while production ( the animal may have urinated or excreted while being butchered), the toxin of adreline if it saw it's death while in the butchering line.

  5. I dont think it is that bad for you. Its full of iron. A meat based diet can give you bad breath tho...thats pretty bad for everybody lol!

  6. As far as I know it is not bad for you. Though in a wider context everything - veg - meat - fish - wheat - grain - even water can be bad for you in the wrong amounts. As with everything in life it is a matter of balance. This of course assume's you do not have a particular allergy

  7. Red meat is not bad for you quite the opposite. One interesting point about red meat, is the fact that if it is 'off' it will not harm you, but white meat or fish most certainly will.  

  8. is it bad for you? not sure about that.

  9. In excess everything is bad, red meat from what i know doesn't easily digest so in excess overtime builds up layers on the surface of the intestine i think but I'm not sure

  10. It is because of the cholesterol. Cholesterol acts like little legos in your arteries and they keep building up and building up to the point of closing off an artery, and this can lead to heart trouble and stroke. Red meat is ok if it is eaten in moderation, and not consumed three times a day every day.  

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