
Why is red sauce called ketchup but brown sauce is just called brown sauce??

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are we making the red sauce more powerful by not giving it a nicer name??feed back people pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee




  1. no brown sauce ISNT barbecue sauce!!!!

    its made of vinegar, fruit and spices and you cant eat a bacon butty without it

  2. In the UK, it depends which part of the country you're in.  In the South East, it will always be called ketchup.

    However, in the Midlands I hear red sauce a lot more.

    Just don't ask me why the American's have ketchup and catsup.  That's just confusing!

  3. Red sauce is not ketchup- red sauce as I always understood it is what I would call marinara- right? tomatoes, garlic, basil and onions all cooked together to make a nice sauce for meats or pasta? Ketchup is not a sauce, it is a CONDIMENT. It has sweeteners added and tastes nothing like marinara.

  4. Brown sauce is called bar be que sauce u jerk!

  5. brown sauce is brown, and it has brown sauce in it, actually, what is in brown sauce? i know tomartos are in ketchup?? and ketchup is a brand name, some supermarkets sell their own brands as 'tomarto sauce' heinz uses the branc name 'ketchup' (which when you think abotu it is a pretty wierd name) they must have just run out ideas for names when they came up with 'brown sauce' which is still a brand name but not as abstract as the word 'ketchup'

  6. "the first part of the word, "ket", in Cantonese Chinese means tomato and the second part, "chup", means sauce or juice"

    So basically it's a foreign word meaning tomato sauce ;) I agree though it is a nicer name

    ^^ and actually there is brown and BBQ so shhhhh :P

  7. I call "red sauce" ketchup but, ever since I found out that brown sauce is made from apples, I call that apple sauce.

    It confuses people to h**l when I ask for apple sauce on my fry up.

    Haw haw haw.

    I only find it funny because I'm a bit of a self-confessed dork.

    Oh dear.

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