
Why is red the evil color?

by  |  earlier

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devils and demons are shown as red, anger is red, evil is red, why is red the evil color? where or when or why did this start?

I have a really random mind, comes of having ADD and OCD, i get random questions then they bug the heck out of me




  1. Red is related to trauma.

  2. red is the color of blood. And it is the color of your face when you get mad. Red is a sign for danger because it is so bold.

    Because when you are a little kid you know that red means stop and sometimes it means danger. But why can't it be green or something else like blue or even purple. If u should pick a color why not red.It is also a hot color. Hot colors make you think of danger. Except yellow and orange. LOL. Good question!

  3. Why isn't it?

  4. red causes seizures in many epileptics and can cause thier behavior to be out of control. it is considered similar to demonic possession...hence 'evil'

  5. its just that red is a "hot" color and evil is always associated with fire. fire is red. that is why.

    anger your temper became high. when temper is high. you're hot, so red.!

    actually violet is more of the evil color.

  6. Red signifies blood, anger, fire, h**l and satan the devil


  7. because it is depicted as the color of the devil and it's the color of blood... i don't know if this is right or not but it's what i believe the answer is

  8. sometimes people say it is because it's like the color of the devil, well that's what people say.

    and it also can mean love like the color of a heart

  9. I believe it is because blood is red after being oxygenated. When drawing the reference to blood=death, then red may seem as an evil associate.

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