
Why is refilling a water bottle bad?

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Why is refilling a water bottle bad?




  1. i've heard that you can get cancer from the plastic in water bottles..esp if they've been out in the sun

    idk if its true though..

  2. I'd call it more good than bad.  It's more environmentally friendly, and if you refill it with water from a water purifier, it's still low in impurities.

    If you really want to come up with bad points, I'd say that the water can be more impure if unfiltered, depending on the brand of bottled water and the quality of water from the tap.  Also, it could be bad for the beverage company that's trying to get as much cash from you as possible :)

  3. its not bad refilling it after u just used it. but its bad if u wash it at home or in the dishwasher and reuse it. bc there can b bacteria that can live in there and contaminate the water u put in and then get u sick..

  4. Yes, you are taking away profits from giants like Coke and Pepsi... what were you thinking?  Shame on you!

  5. i've never even heard that was bad.

    if anything it's good.

    it keeps you from throwing away more plastic.

    i just looked it up and supposedly it might "release chemicals"

    i doubt it does.

  6. Yea theree was something about using plastic thats like years and years old...and drinking from a bottle is like bad for is really good water...

    It's water that is very good for you, with filtered properties that are healthy..

  7. It's not bad. I do it all the time. I've heard that the plastic 'releases chemicals', but this is a ridiculous claim. I'm not dead yet.

  8. i think people who say that are referring to the people who reuse a water bottle for months on end, never cleaning it. (I know someone who does this) The concerns are germs, bacteria and illness.

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