
Why is religion respected?

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Why has religion been given this untouchable status - it's been put on a pedestal and no one can touch it? I personally think that anyone who believes in god or follows any kind of religion needs a CAT scan!

You can take the p!ss out of anything apart from religion - we are always being told that we should respect peoples beliefs but why the h**l should we? If I told people that I truly believed in Father Christmas or the Easter Bunny and i actually prayed the them every night and worshipped them - I would be ridiculed. I think the whole story of creation is absurd and any rational thinking human being would agree - I have seen absolutely no proof that God exists. Why isn't anyone actually seriously questioning religion or asking for proof before they base their whole life's around it?

Also if you follow religion - eg Christianity - you can't bloody well do anything - s*x before marriage, gluttony etc - for gods sake what is actually wrong with s*x before marriage? We are human beings who are supposed to procreate - why do we need to participate in some man-made shirade like marriage before we have s*x? Jealousy - another 'deadly sin' - this is a natural human emotion we don't choose to feel jealousy - it comes naturally - If god created man he also created these emotions - It's like giving a child a toy and not allowing them to play with it - if he exists then he is a cruel bstrd. What about all the horrible disaster that happen in the world like the Tsunami or Hurricane Katrina - If god exists why did he let this happen? But apparently he loves us!! Also we why should I be condemed to eternity burning in h**l just because i don't believe in god? Give us some friggin proof then maybe I'll start believing!! What a nice person this 'god' is sending his only son to earth to die for OUR sins!!

Anyway back to reality - He doesn't exist - just admit it!! has anyone actually got a brain? Why is religion still a part of our lives in this day and age? All it does is cause wars and conflict - why the h**l should religions get 'tax breaks' and other preferential treatment?

Am I the only rational person left in this world? Also everyone always says that if you are not religious then you must be evil and that you can only do good deeds if you are religious - that's a load of c**p the only reason religious people do good deeds is for selfish reasons - is they are terrified of going to h**l and they want to get into heaven - If non-religious people do a good deed this is because they care and they do it off their own backs not because it will earn them a few extra brownie points with god.

Anyway - anyone with me on this?




  1. i am so sorry that you feel this way. i am a rational thinking person. i believe in God. go sit in a park one day and watch people go by. you will see alot of good people who do good towards others. look at the babies smiling. see the trees and the flowers. see the sun and feel the heat of it as it shines down on each of us. listen to the music of the birds. how can you not believe in a higher power. call IT God or whatever name you choose. Something started all this. created it in  love for us to enjoy. yes there is evil out there. but when God created us HE gave us free will. that is He gave to each of us the right to choose how we live the life that He gave to us. He is our Heavenly Father as we have earthly fathers. our earthly fathers sometimes say No to us because they know that what we want is not good for us. it is the same way with our Heavenly Father He has rules that He would like us to follow because they are for our own good. He allows bad things like hurricanes and volcanoes and such to happen so that we can pull together to help each other. it seems that only through these tough times do woe seem to feel the need to help others when in fact we should always be helping others in need. i  believe in a loving,merciful,compassionate God that i don't think that He will automatically condemn anyone to h**l just because they think differently from others. i do not personally believe that you are going to burn in the h**l fires for eternity.

  2. "relgion" is a state of delusion - it is a mental illness, and should be treated as such. After all, are not people who believe they talk to Napoleon everyday considerd 'unbalanced'? What is the difference?

  3. Hm I see that none of those always-having-an-answer Christians is reacting to this. Maybe because they just can't answer to such an apparent truth.

  4. Lol I must say you truly are a minger judging my that profile pic.

    But Yes I totally agree with everything you say. You have made some very good points, but things will never change. There will always be deluded idiots walking the planet. If they all suddenly saw sense then we would have no one left to laugh at and ridicule.

    mmmm....? Not many religious people have answered this ...I wonder why that is? come on we need a good laugh.

  5. Dude. Paragraph breaks.

  6. I'm with you on it. Agree with just about everything.

  7. Well, given that atheism is a fast growing point of view, no, you're by no means the only person who considers religion to be ridiculous. Including myself, having been an atheist for over 30 years now.

    Bill Maher has a film coming out in less than 2 months called Religilous, which makes great fun of religion and the religious.  

  8. They demand respect and threaten us with death if we don't -_-

  9. im with you o__o even though i only read the firs 3 lines

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