
Why is religion so important to a big portion of the population of this planet?

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Why is religion so important to a big portion of the population of this planet?




  1. Makes people explain the unexplainable.They have nothing else better to do

  2. It provides hope and reassurance. It also provides a feeling of belonging to a community. All of these things are expecially important to the poor population.

  3. beats me, there's a lot of gullable people out there...

  4. Religion is big because people need to believe that there is something bigger then themselves that drives them to do certain things, good or bad.

  5. Freedom of religion is one of the founding principles of our nation. People fled to the U.S. from Europe so they could practice whatever religion they chose. The founding fathers of the U.S. were Christians. So that is the basis for so many religions and believers in America.

  6. Many people need guidance, it's almost like they don't trust their own instincts. Religion gives them a formula to live by, a set of guidelines. It is like a life package with your own set of pre-selected regulations and a belief structure.

    It also gives reassurance that you won't one day cease to exist. It is many peoples' biggest fear, death. Religion offers an alternative in the form of an afterlife. It is hope.

  7. obviously you are an atheist, and that means you live by no values and look up to nothibg, then tell me what happened, how are we so complicated? who created or in your case "evolved" the universe? if you can answer theese questions then become an atheist.

  8. I believe religion is important to a portion of this population for a variety of reasons. For one, it is a part of heritage and culture. For example, Catholicism and countries in South America and Europe. Religion also plays a part with a individuals values, ethics, and morals and also helps shape their philosophy. Religion provides guidance and something to look forward to. Religion can help us understand the past, how it shaped the present, and how the present will shape the future. Religion helps answer questions such as: What is the meaning of life, why am I here, what happens after I die. Religion can be a bad and a good thing. Religion was a bad thing when the Spanish Inquisition was going on and a good thing when Mahatma Gandhi used his Hindu beliefs to shape a belief in nonviolence and civil disobedience against the British Rajj.

  9. Because it gives them something to focus on.

  10. most of them are taken to Church before they can walk. others have a safe feeling that if they believe and give certain %of there earnings that there sins will be forgiving and get into heaven. i do not know if there is or is not.i do know that a you believe n something . what is it?

  11. To have a strong base to turn to in troubled times.

  12. It`s food for the masses. It`s more important in poorer countries/regions. Weakminded ppl need something to believe in. Religion should be made redundant in a modern society.

  13. dumb people need something to follow,smart people need something to control them:)

  14. because man is a spiritual being. If I could prove to you with absolutely irrefutable evidence that the God commonly thought of did not exist, you'd have another one by sunset. Not because you are "spiritual", but because there is something within you that is powered and motivated by spiritual energy.

  15. People need to try to explain how it is and why it is.  Every society has decided that the supernatural is the answer--something more than us.  Nowadays, most people get born into a religion.  Some follow that, some strike off on their own.

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