
Why is research in Hydrogen Fuel Cells important?

by Guest59643  |  earlier

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Why is research in Hydrogen Fuel Cells important?




  1. Fuel cell research is important because it saves car makers having to sell realistic battery electric vehicles under the amended CARB rules.

    It makes it look like something is being done to end our dependence on fossil fuel sometime in the future, while diverting attention and funds from solutions that could be delivered today.


  2. Personally I think hydrogen power is a scam. It currently takes more electricity to make hydrogen than the output in energy you get in return.

    IMO it only makes sense to go electric. They have technology today to completely roof whole building in solar panels roofing and windows with huge increases in efficiency.

    They could easily do the same for car. Most people drive an average of 29 miles a day. They have batteries than could power a car up to 300 miles.

    It does not take a brain surgeon to figure out most if not all energy could be gotten for free via the sun. In fact 1 minute of sunlight hitting the earth can power the entire worlds energy needs for an entire year. If there is any question about running out of power a small gas engine could be included for emergencies or long range usage.

    In short hydrogen is just another way for the consumer to become depended on megaglom power companies. Energy is big business and there is little incentive for them to help us get clean nearly free energy. Think about it then start voting with your dollars. It's the most powerful vote you got.

  3. To answer your question, the development of hydrogen fuel cells is critical to potentially give options to drivers in different areas of the world.  Electric cars, while having the most potential to be effective, may not be cost effective where electricity prices may be high.  If we were to switch to all electric cars from our existing gasoline cars, the electric grid may not be able to handle it at all times.  In certain areas, a fuel cell may be cheaper to operate, and more reliable.

  4. The ability to store lots of hydrogen in a very small place would revolutionize ALL mobile engines that are surrounded by air (oxygen).

    Burning hydrogen with oxygen produces only two things:  Energy (heat) and water.  You can use the energy to move a car and simply discard the water into the atmosphere.

    Cars with such technology would have zero emissions - reducing a major source of CO2 in our atmosphere, perhaps helping us avoid some global warming.

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