
Why is researching homework so difficult for the children of today?

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I ask this question because I have seen many questions that seem to be given without explanation or links to the answer. Although it may be a quick solution to the problem it will still not teach you. I as a Father sit with my four children and assist them with their homework however never give them the answers, OK!! sometimes I do,I am guilty also.

MY question is : Do you really dislike researching and learning or is it that maybe you have better things to do and don't have the time in your busy life?

Believe me! I don't agree with homework and think it should be given only for special projects or a bonus for a grade.

Teachers are becoming lazy




  1. I mean, i guess it's both. I'm a sophomore in high school and I work 2 jobs along with playing hockey, but I really don't have an "issue" with homework. It's when teachers give an abundance of it and make us work un necessarily hard to find the answers. I'm sure a lot has to do with lack of motivation, just because we're kids. But I think we would be more willing to do our work if it was more reasonable.

    We sit in class allll dayyy lonnggg and listen to this stuff alll dayyy longg and we do try, so when we get home, we don't want to work hard, we're tired. plain and simple. we want to enjoy our time and be kids!!  

  2. Personally as a senior in high school I do not dislike researching and learning. The questions on this site I ask are the ones that I truly do not understand. My parents do not understand the material I am working with, and I do not want to bother my friends therefore I use this site for an occasional question or two.

    We all have to learn, it's just that all people learn differently and some try harder than others. I agree with homework, but for the questions I do not understand -meaning an obscure question- I find it easier to understand if explained. Also, most homework questions do in fact have some sort of explanation, especially those with "top contribute" under their names in the homework category. :)

  3. I agree with you that teachers are becoming lazy...but the students are also becoming lazy.  The "quick fix" is more prevalant today than ever.  Also, kids today have this strange sense of entitlement that is worse than ever.  I think part of the reason for this is all the lame 21st century parenting techniques employed.  I don't the last couple of years I've started to notice this problem ease up a bit, so maybe it's just a cycle.  Anyway, I am generalizing a lot, which is kind of lame, too.

  4. I think it's mainly because the student today are becoming more impatient or lazy and don't feel like doing things themselves. They'd , of course, rather have people do it for them and pay the price of not understanding the concept of what was taught later. I can see if it's a humungous 15 page paper and someone needs a source or to,but is wording the thing themselves after reading it... but half the questions on here are "what is fourhundred twnty two thousand and sixty in standard form?"... easy c**p like that or " can someone tell me what this book is about i don't want to read it and have an essay"  that kind of stuff bothers me sooo much.  I mean half the time i read at least half of the book, and then look up the summary myself and make due with that. maybe if i don't understand the concept of something and need a little extra insight I'll ask, but not just skip out reading it and then ask people to read it (even though half the books we read are boring.)

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