
Why is resource conservation important?

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Why is resource conservation important?




  1. Inorder to be useful by future  generation,also to reduce the global warming eg.plants that use co2 .

  2. When we realise how lucky we are ,  having all our needs fulfilled ,we then go on to accepting the fact that a good many of these natural gifts like water ,oil & other available sources of fuel ,so important to our daily living are not going to be here for ever,so what sort of a world do we expect the next generation to  face.If this is not the meager legacy we are going to bequeath them,then it falls to us as a responsible ,consciencious generation to conserve as much as we possibly can .The future should be as much our concern as the present .

  3. Because a lot ofour resources are not renewable. When the oil is gone, that is about it. When we use up all of the earth's potable water what next?

    When there is no place left to farm, what do we do for food?

  4. Resource conservation is important for at least 2 reasons. 1. If we use up all of our limited resources such as coal there will be no more of that resource to use in our daily lives. 2. When people consume all of our natural resources and waste food and other products then these causes a larger build up in our landfills and from there a lot of land is used for trash.

  5. B'cause, they are not infinite - Oil may last another 50-60 years at the present rate of drilling, Coal may last for 150 years, river and rain water is already in short supply even for human consumption.  But the paradoxical thing is, people are misusing electricity even during day time for lighting purpose, when the infinite solar light is shining and is available just outside our windows. Similarly, water - example - just to flush out 100 ml of urine, people are flushing 10-15 litres of precious drinking water just by the push of a button. U-SEE these over-exploitations and misuse have wrung the danger bell. Let us respect our natural resources, preserve them. Otherwise, our future generations will curse us because they may have to live literally "power"less.  Have a look at my world bank honored innovative grassroots level initiative, adopt it in your community and be a partner in progress.

    Even burning bulbs contribute to global warming. I was honored by the World Bank for my grassroots initiative U-SEE

    A grassroot level initiative U-SEE - Unlimited Savings of Electrical Energy which gives to the world how we can stop misuse of electricity during day time when the sun is shining. My idea revolves around "bring home the sunshine" and "get moonlight from sunlight".  Have a look at the following World Bank link and let me know if you want more details.  The idea is a child's play and is so simple but saves billions of units of costly electricity and also reduces over exploitation of the natural resources like oil, coal, water and also reduces global warming from stopping burning of bulbs.


    Please spread this link to all your family members, friends and neighbors. Let them also benefit and save the world before it is too late.

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    Vasanthkumar Mysoremath, Bangalore, India

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