
Why is respectt important to the military ?

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Why is respectt important to the military ?




  1. If you dont respect your fellow troop, and he doesnt respect you, who is gonna cover your back when your in the warzone?

  2. Its a state of mind, its part of the training i would imagine. respect, discipline, ect..

  3. absence of respect would wreak havoc.

  4. You respect those who outrank you because, theoretically, they have a greater understanding of any situation and their orders need to be followed because their orders yield the best possible outcome.

    A good example is when your commander knows something that isn't allowed to be dissiminated to the rest of the troops. That commander will issue an order, and if you feel that you know better and decide not to follow it out of your lack of knowledge, then you could really, really s***w up the objective. Respect and discipline are almost interchangable in the military.  

  5. Kinda of a silly question,  don't you think?  Here in the civilian world all people have to worry about is acheiving respect for their self,, The Military is the biggest organization in the world,, and when you have on the uniform  people see that uniform . when a military man does something wrong it makes the whole military branch look bad  not just the person wearing the uniform,,  

  6.    because the serve the country on a serious matter or issue, the security of the country and because they wear boots they deserve it because most people become crazy with boots guys!

  7. Maybe the teachers don't want children to be rude to them?

  8. If an enemy was rapidly encroaching within 20 miles of your home, with the imminent threat of your loved ones being killed, raped or kidnapped.

    Your employer closing it's doors leaving you with no source of income.

    The property you live on becoming a virtual prison under martial law.

    And your weapons being confiscated and if you don't "give them up", you being executed.......?

    Would you prefer the over indulged kids you see every day in the malls and convenience stores wearing dollar store "bling", saggy pants, and listening to that THUMP THUMP THUMP music on the dime of their cocktail addicted parents to a SOLDIER who has been trained to defend their right to do so?

    Think about it.....

    I'll take the Soldier hands down.

  9. maintain good order and discipline

  10. More respect means more food...

  11. Because they are fighting for our country??

    Or isn't that important?

  12. helps to kill people

  13. i agree.. its for order and discpline. Also u need to respect urself

  14. When you are requiring that a person risk his or her life in combat, often your life and the lives of your compatriots depends on discipline.  Respect for superiors and for your buddies is one of the ways that this discipline is maintained.

  15. The same reason it is  in the civilian sector.  It isn't so much personal respect, as respect for the rank.  Just as the employee respects the manager, assistant vice president and so on .  No difference.

  16. respect, discipline, good order, loyalty,  all values in the military!

  17. because you must respect someone to follow them.  If you don't respect your NCO's and officers you would not be able to trust them, if you cant trust them you can't fight alongside them.  Respect also plays into the fact that you are only 1% of a nation of free men and all of you have signed up to proctect those free men.

  18. You have to put your life and lives in others daily.

    Hard to do that if you don't respect that person.

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