
Why is respiration so important to animals?

by  |  earlier

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eek! exams!

please help me revise!!




  1. wow if i were you i wouldnt be expecting an A or even a D

  2. So that they can live...Respiration = Breathing

  3. Respiration is important to remove carbon waste from cells. If this question is on an exam, expect "what is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?" (and/or "do humans use aerobic or anaerobic respiration?").

  4. i suggest you look it up on Wikipedia, it'll definitely be more informative then the answers you get on here.

    But don't copy the article word for word! or else you'll get done for plagiarism

  5. No respiration  =  Death

  6. Respiration is the breaking down of sugars (sometimes fats)with oxygen to release energy.  It has nothing to do with breathing (apart from the fact you need to breath to get the oxygen).  It is important in all living things - even plants and bacteria respire.

    Without respiration, the animal (plant, bacteria) would have no energy available for any activity - no movement, no growth, no life.

  7. "why is breathing important".... because you need air (oxygen, nitrogen, other)  or you die......

  8. What grade are you in... ???

    Respiration... Respiratory System... Breathing, Oxygen.

    It's the cycle from plants. Plants take our carbon dioxide we breathe out then help make oxygen from it after they benefit from the Carbon dioxide. Which in turn, we breathe. Check Wikipedia.

  9. They have to breathe or else they die because they can't live without oxygen in their bodies and bloodstream.

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