
Why is rice such an important crop?

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  1. Then my Nissan would have no fuel. lol

  2. well for the third world countries like india, pakistan and bangladesh rice is a cash crop. these countries are agro based countries and most of their income comes from such crops. now brazil, india and kenya have reduced their exports so the supply of rice has dropped causing the prices to rise.

    the reason it is so popular is because it is the main diet for many people. Even though i dont like it that much.  

  3. liek basically everyone eats it ... sushi, burritos, more

  4. check the site.

  5. Because many countries grow it...and supply it to us the USA,and elsewhere...also,Rice is used in many different ingredients, and food items,cereal...snacks...etc.

  6. because it's delicious, and you can eat 2000 of them without feeling bad.

    Also, it is cheap.

  7. Because many of the areas it is grown in, the land is unusable for anything else. It's grown in what we would be almost like a swamp, and other crops cannot survive those conditions nor could any type of livestock.

    The current cost has affected many countries as it is a staple in diets across the world. The price is especially hitting hard in the African nations.

  8. It is easy to grow and the staple of almost everbodies diet in the world.  

  9. Can you imagine eating wheat crispies?

  10. EVERYONE LOVES RICE!!! It's found in almost every culture.

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