
Why is roman a good civilzation?

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is roman a good civilzation..or no?

can you tell me..if it is why?

if itz not then why?




  1. Well, it was good while it lasted!

    At its height, it controlled the entire Mediterranean Basin, and the Golden Age of the Roman Empire lasted from about 40 BCE until the death of Marcus Aurelius in 160 CE...

    That's 200 years!

  2. What is a "Good" civilization?

    Rome was a large and complex civilization.  It had large public works, a thriving economy, a bureaucratic system.  But How can you say it was good or bad?  There are many good aspect of the Roman Empire and many bad aspect as well.

  3. Rome basically adapted Etruscan, Greek and Egyptian cultures and took the best aspects and organized the rest into a logical society. At the start, before the emperors became divine, the nation functioned on the idea that the upper class held more political power than the average folks. This snowballed into a situation where a lazy and largely indolent upper class, bled the rest of the population for taxes while doing little to improve the lifestyles other than present games and circuses (does this sound at all familiar????) The Romans did a few things right. They were amazing engineers, had high hopes and great visions, they allowed conquered people to keep their own religions, although at a cost. Their road system and communications systems were cutting edge for that point in history. The fall was a combination of overestension of resources and the internal rot of the imperial families. Some of the insanity as demonstrated by Caligula, was said to be due to inbreeding and lead poisoning from the water lines. The theory goes that the lead water lines were more prevalent in richer homes, so those people were more likely to suffer from lead poisoning. While many people like to compare Rome to Greece, they gloss over the violence and cannabalism that was part of the entire Greek culture. Given a choice, I would rather have lived in Rome.

  4. NO they were not, Coz Greeks were superior than them in everything.... like arts, poilitics, philosophy... many of the roman sculptures were replicas of old original greek sculptures....damaged during the wars..... most of the original greek pieces are lost forever....but romans did make they wont be lost for ever.. and were influenced greatly by the works..

  5. Well the Roman were great, and even today, we would gladly compare oursleves to this great civilization, but it fell. And Good Riddence.

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