
Why is rugby not popular in the States?

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Why is rugby not popular in the States?




  1. They got loads of other sports to distract them. Like football and baseball. And I reckon rugbys more brutal. Maybe they have something against raw brutality.

  2. Because they didn't invent it.

  3. Rugby is played in the US at high schools, colleges and city and region based clubs.  Best US rugby is played in New York, Chicago and California.  It has only been a professional sport for 10 years.  The Rugby World Cup, to be played in France this fall, is the 2nd largest sporting event after World Cup soccer.  It is a fantastic game, like hockey without the ice, full on, no standing around doing nothing, like football.

    Yes, it needs to be on TV.  In New Zealand, (the best rugby team in the world,) there are lots of Polynesians, especially Maori, the native people of New Zealand. as well as Pakehas (whites).  This is a very photogenic game.  Just think of the Rock (of Samoan and black origin).  Now think of lots of guys who look something like him.  This is made for TV.  South Africa contributes lots of blonds and Africans.  And the French -- check out their rugby calendar!

    American football is big money.  If there were no Title IX which requires some money for women's sports in college, there would be no other college sports, except basketball, which also makes big money.  So rugby is a club sport at college and gets nothing.

    Yes, I am an American, but I find American football boring.  I've tried to watch it, until after the first play, when they are all standing around and I'm gone.  So, if you own a television network, please show some rugby.  Believe me, if you get the photogenic Dan Carter (New Zealand), Brian O'Driscoll (Ireland), Jonny Wilkinson (England), or the legenday Jonah Lomu (Tongan, NZ) on American television, rugby will be here to stay!

  4. because it turned into football.

  5. I believe that the people who support rugby in the US do so in a genuine and fairly hardcore, old school way. More and more I come across Americans who know at least something about the sport. I believe it will end up being huge in the US and God help the rest of us when it does!

  6. Because rugby sucks. Football is cool. Theres the New Orleans Saints! Rugby is way too messy, while Rugby is a very orgainsed sports and better contact sport!

  7. I was raised in the US, my four brothers and I all grew up playing and still play now.

    It is gaining popularity among the upper class because it's considered a "gentleman's sport" and because of the party reputation. I myself, play so I can go to drink ups and sing!

    USA Rugby is gaining in popularity, I doubt we'll be in top form for a while, but it's coming...

    Just a few years ago no one in America played Soccer, now it's everywhere!

  8. I'm not sure, but I wish it was! It's a great sport!

  9. I'm sure it is an interesting sport.  I do think football is more exciting though. It involves more strategy. I just hate how I hear alot of Europeans say "Oh american football is for babies, they wear pads! They should play a mans sport like rugby!"

    Why isn't american football popular over in Europe I wonder? It seems like it would be so fun to have an american team go against a european team (not NFL Europa).

  10. Because we are all basically football, baseball & baslketball fans.  You have The Patriots, The Red Sox & the Celtics . Who plays rugby?  I mean not here they don't , soccer some but we've been playing those games for soooo long and were just avid fans.

  11. The main reason it isn't as popular in the states is because its not televised here at all (unless you purchase the Setanta direct Tv package).  And when its not televised, you dont have players to look up to and you dont have the marketing and merchandising that drives football, basketball, and baseball.  Soccer is just now becoming more popular here.  Try going to a sports store in the states and looking for a rugby ball... much less more specific boots, scrum caps, etc.  

    Slowly there are more highschools that are beginning youth programs, but this is mainly in the north and in Califonia.  USA Rugby is working hard to provide development camps for coaching staff and to generate interest with youth and womens teams.   Ive been playing rugby in the south and trying to get a womens team going here is so hard- we have to combine 3 different cities to hopefully end up with 15 players.  

    I didnt know about rugby until college (15 years ago), when i saw people playing it and asked what it was- i've been playing since then.  I know a lot of parents have reservations about letting youth participate becasue they consider it a barbaric sport.  Tackling, srumming, and rucking/ mauling are hard concepts to sell to parents that are overly protective.  Somehow they think the pads and helmets of football create a false sense of safety, when in reality, there is probably more injury in football.  

    Rugby also has a negative stigma when it comes to partying and drinking and lesbianism.  "if you're a rugger, you must be a crazy partying, drunkard and if you're a woman rugger, you must be a L*****n."  Not true... always!  I may not be a L*****n, but im a crazy party girl! Bottom line is- its hard to get mainstream America to be open minded enough to those concepts and therefore its hard to get companies to sponsor you if they are faced with the negative stigma of a rugby team.  We can't even get the city to allow us to use a city park field for practice... we need a million us dollar insurance waiver.  They can play US football there though!

    We're working hard to promote rugby in the States!

  12. Because it's a British sport.

  13. Soccer moms don't like they're kids getting hurt.

    At least american football has protection (etc)

    Thats the main reason.

  14. Easy, Because it is not on ESPN or a Basic Cable Network.  Also the IRB and USA rugby do not want to expand the game otherwise it would be on accessible television.  They just want a good old boys club.

  15. That's easy.  Because growing up in the US, we are not exposed to the sport like you are baseball, football, basketball, and if you grew up up north, hockey.  I have played rugby myself.  I think it is a phenominal sport.  But, the sad fact is, is that unless it is broadcast nationally all the time on ESPN, FOX, NBC, etc., it will never catch on in the US.

  16. Because they got football =P  Speaking of FOOTBALL


  17. Because we have football, which allows for forward passing that rugby does not.

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