
Why is russia fighting Georgia?

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why did this war start? whats the motivation? who started?




  1. It seems like Georgia's part of a larger geopolitical game pitting Russia against the West (US and the EU/NATO).  What they're doing to Georgia is for us here in America and Western Europe to see. You might call it sort of a warning. A shot across the bow. It requires a measured, yet firm response.  

  2. You can look at it from several perspectives, I guess, and neither of the two main ones are completely correct, and external biases make it impossible to give a single, correct interpretation of what's going.

    From my understanding, it started with South Ossetia, a break-away region in northern Georgia, wanting to reunite with North Ossetia, a region just north of the Georgia-Russia border, which would involve breaking away from Georgia and being reabsorbed into Russia.  The South Ossetians, in a sense, want to be a part of Russia.  Georgia does not want to lose South Ossetia, and so they initiated violence against South Ossetia.  Russia, being the great regional power, stepped in and started fighting against Georgia.

    Georgian officials claim that Russia's response is just unprovoked aggression on the part of Russia.  Russian President Medvedev said that the Russian military response was meant to force a Georgian cease-fire in their dealings with South Ossetia, and Russian Prime Minister Putin said that Georgia had lost their right to rule South Ossetia.

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