
Why is russia playing chicken in georgia? their not leaving, george w. you must go in and take charge.?

by  |  earlier

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nato, where were you, you sit and watch all u.s. citizens with homeland, and brow beat us, but what about helping other democracies, in the world, either you new this was happening, and let it go on. or your asleep, or both, does not europe watch their borders either, has the tech world just a lot of brag




  1. The whole world was tricked by the olympics....I mean they had 50000 mean and 1000 tanks jsut sitting on the border the same say as the would have taking them 1 month tio egt those kind of forces out there they were planning it for months and anyone thats says different is an idiot Bush should be talking with the U.K. GErmany and France about options and give the Russians 48 hours to begin the full withdraw of all Russian forces out of Georgia before NATO gets involved....

  2. United Nations are just doing the same thing they did with Iran making nukes...they just slap them on the wrist. The UN keeps telling them and telling them to stop...but nnnnnooooo...they keep going, and the UN won't let anyone do anything about it!

  3. Russia knows that the international response will be nothing more than talk....They have leverage (security council) in the UN to keep most if not all things from being acted upon them.

    They also have threatened to use Nukes if anyone intervened. This alone is reason enough to commit to a 1st strike against them....or at least an assassination.

    Everyone is pissing in the corner..but the world is getting wet.

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