
Why is same ol' same ol' washington insiders Obummer & Bi(nLa)Den so scared & jealous of Palin?

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Why is same ol' same ol' washington insiders Obummer & Bi(nLa)Den so scared & jealous of Palin?




  1. Not sure, but check this out. It's about Palin's dark secrets. Stunning!

    I had no idea!

    Forward it to others!

  2. They All Fear The Unknown. Also The Fear of Change....

  3. Because she makes them both look bad. Truth of it is, Obama, with his change to believe in, is not changing very much so far. Palin is an outsider, and will probably change more of the old politics in a manner of months then OBiden could in two terms.

    And you know they are scared because in his acceptance speech at the DNC Obama was making a case for not paying attention to experience, and the next day his camp attacked Palin for not being experienced enough.

    Now I know Obama said he disagreed, but his camp was all ready to attack... more examples of Obama great ability to surround himself with questionable people?

  4. huh?

    Who is Obummer

    Who is Bi(nLa)Den?

    Why can't you partisan hacks come up with something intelligent for a change is beyond me.

    Take your computer and thow it out the window, please.

    Or start posting something that really matters

    Not more of this silly c**p that makes no sense whatsoever and reveals you have the intelligence of a 9 year old.

    Grow the h**l up for Christ sakes!


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  5. Because she doen't talk about making changes, she makes them.

  6. I think they can see the writing on the wall.

    Palin is a reformer, and a moderate, by most standards.

    Many of we Hillary supporters are going to cross party lines this time, and vote McCain/Palin.

    Obama knows he stands a good chance of losing now.

  7. why is your question so biased and probably baseless?  you answer that question first and then maybe you will get an answer to this one.

  8. Because her actual name is (St)alin.

  9. uh last time i checked obama was for a grass movement which would put you out of the "insiders of ol washington" but hey i may be wrong

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