
Why is saying no to a cop ilegal or is it free speach?

by  |  earlier

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now why would it be ilegal to say a 2 letter word to a cop and when is it right to say no. who are you to order me to do any thing you are not my master or are they?




  1. It's not the saying no that's illegal.  It's the refusal to obey instructions.  If a police officer tries to question you, you have the right to refuse.  However, if an officer tells you to show some identification, or to move from your current location to somewhere specific, or to not move, and you refuse, you can be arrested.

  2. well they're basically your master... lol. well you just have to listen to them because they seen you do something wrong or they thought you did or they're straight up a.holes. they're the law! lol.

    if you didn't do anything wrong then you should just follow their orders because you have nothing to hide right? but then if they're seriously a.holes, and i'm sure you'd be able to tell, then you should still listen to them as much as you don't want to and take it up with their boss later. defend yourself but not in a way that would allow them to get you for it.

    to answer your question, it depends on what they're asking you do to for you to say no. if it's something way out of the question and outrageous, of course, you can say no but if it's something simple and unquestionable and you're trying to hide something then it's not okay to say no.

    it's wrong for them to point a tazer at you ONLY if they have no reason to, meaning you don't attack them in any way. they can only tazer you in their own defense or in defense of someone else.

  3. I feel dumber for having read this post.

    Feel free to say "NO" to anyone you so choose.  Just be willing to accept the consequences to any action you perform.

  4. You have the right to say no they have the right to make you comply  

  5. Ah, someone is mad because they broke the law. Too bad - Never challenge the police. Like them or not they represent the laws of this country and have all the rights when investigating a suspect. You need to always remain calm and respectful when speaking to police and other officers of the court. Good Luck!

  6. You can say no to a police officer.  If the officer asks to check your car, you can say no.  It's legal.

    However, it is not okay to say no to a police officer if they are trying to arrest you.  If the officer tells you that you are under arrest, put your hands behind your back, and you say no, that's considered resisting arrest.  When you resist arrest, you can be physically taken into custody by force, such as Pepper spray or Taser.

    It all comes down to Sir Issac Newton and the laws of physics.  For every action there is an opposite reaction.  In other words, choose when to say no, and realize the possible outcome of your choice.

  7. its fine to say no as long as they dont have like a warrant or something, then you have to do what they say(regarding to the warrant of course which is why you should read it)

    and its wrong if they swarm around you and point to there taser gun(unless your resisting arrest and they have a good reason for arresting you)

  8. It's not and it's also legal to arrest you if they don't like what you say.

    I've never had any animosity towards the law.I reckon I never will.

  9. Nick, the only words you should ever say to an officeri is

    "I would like to speak to my lawyer"

    no matter what. guilty, or innocent.

    saying yes, or no, is enough for police to harass you, question you, and arrest you. if you ask to speak to your lawyer, they will 1) let you go or 2) arrest you only if they have evidence of a crime, and most this time this wont happen.

    otherwise, they talk untill you convict yourself with words.

    Again... if they and if the swarm you and point to there taser gun , you tell them "I would like to speak to my lawyer". Not a word more.

  10. You can say "no" to anything he asks you. But that usually is not the right answer unless he's asking you if you're smarter than a 5th grader.

  11. Most states have passed laws making is a crime to refuse to obey the lawful orders of a police officer performing his duties.  If a cop asks if you want to go to jail it is not a crime to say 'No."   If a cop says you are under arrest put your hands behind your back, and you refuse, that amounts to a crime whether you say "no" or say nothing.  It is not the speech that is the crime, it is the refusal.  The speech is just evidence of the refusal.

  12. depends what  you are saying  no to  a  question  thats  fine  resisting  arrest  that  not  fine  your  going  to  jail

  13. Having read your "question", either you or I must have smoked some meth today...pretty sure it wasn't me.

    There are certain situations in which you don't have the right to say "no" to me.

    I have the right to tell folks like you to do plenty of things, and not to do other things...nothing to do with me being your master, but me enforcing the law.

  14. It's not always illegal.

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