
Why is school so hard now?HELP ME PLEASE!?

by  |  earlier

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School is really g*y for me right now bcoz i've lost all my friends (all left or too lazy to come to school) and yes, i've made new friends but GUESS WHAT?They are not even real friends they make excuses not to meet up with me!!!

People in my year level pay me out behind my back and don't like me and i've never done anything to them!





  1. i suggest u look at a different crowd, or u just have sum things that other people dont like about uu

    u know wat i do to take care of this problem

    i go on a killing spree,,, lolz jks

  2. Don't worry about them.

    fake friends never ask for food

    real friends are the reason you have no food.

    fake friends call your parent Mr./Mrs.

    Real friends call them mom/dad.

    fake freinds bail you out from jail and tell you what you did wrong.

    real friends sit next to you saying "d**n we fcked up..but that s hit was fun"

    fake friends never see you cry

    real friends cry with you

    fake friends will leave you behind if thats what the crowd is doing

    real friends will kick the whole crowds a$$

    fake friends are for a while

    real friends are for life

    fake friends will talk $hit about you to people who talk $hit

    real friends will knock them out

    Just go off alone :) Someone will come. At the moment you have to focus on your education. Friends is just a bonus that God gave us with opportiunity to go to school.

  3. Your just going through what every teenagers do.I think I understand how you feel but people are just haters.You have nothing to do with it and I don't think that these people don't even know you.What you should do is be nice to them even if they aren't nice to you or you could stand up to yourself.

    Maybe you did something that offended them or they find you annoying.Either way.

  4. Maybe young lady should stop trying to change your circumstances with fake or real friends! There's alot of ways you can change your circumstances, but the first and foremost is: quit worrying about these friends you've found;don't try to be something, or someone you're not, you are quite special in your own right! JUST BE YOURSELF!If they make excuses to why thy don't want to go out with you, drop them! Find new friends; and when you find those new (real friends) hold on to them; but just remember to be yourself! If they wish to be someone they are not so be it, and they'll see like you'll see, real friends stays beside you thru thick and thin. You there has been someone beside you all this time? He has never left you! He's been right there waiting for you to ask Him for help! Ask Him He'll help you, and He'll help you with people who is worth being your friends!GOD! He'll help you, with friends, school, your feelings about you, and everything that seems so big for you to handle, you won't be able to, but He can! Just ask!Good Luck in your up coming school year! Just go have fun!

  5. just ignore them all, sometimes u need to help urself out by becoming independent.  i know that sounds stupid, but sometimes friends cause problems that can be avoided easily. ppl will act immature just to see u fall, my best advice is to ignore them and stand on your own.

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